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I knocked on the door and waited for Luna to allow me inside.

"Who is it?"

"(Y/n)." I said calmly.

I heard shuffling and then she told me to come in.

"Luna, I'm going to kill your brother." I said as I walked into my best friend's room.

She was sitting on her bed cross legged. She had a smile on her face that instantly turned into a frown.

"What did he do?" She asked with a sigh.

"He's ignoring me! I keep trying to get him to read this damn report and he keeps running!" I snapped as I plopped down on her bed beside her.

"He's probably just busy."

"Well so am I. Does he not realize that the longer he doesn't sign this the more I am yelled at?" I asked angrily.

"If you want I can give it to him."

"Yes and allow Chancellor Ardyn to yell at me for giving the papers to you... no thanks." I said with a frown.

"He really has you worked up."

"I don't even know what I did to make him hate me so much. I mean I'm always nice to him and I always try to help him." I said as I grabbed her pillow and covered my face.

"Ravus doesn't hate you."

"So he just ignores everyone? He just runs upon seeing them?"


"Pray tell should I feel special that he runs upon seeing me walk towards him?"

"(Y/n), I can assure you that my brother doesn't hate you. He thinks very highly of you, he just.... isn't a people person."

"Yes well, if you could tell him to maybe say hello or ask what I need before running off that would be wonderful... it would help tremendously with my fear that I have done something to make him hate my guts." I said as I stood up.

"Does his option matter that much to you?"

"Let's just say... I care for Ravus as you care for Noctis." I said softly.

I looked at the time and let out a sigh.

"Now if you will excuse me, I am going to sneak into his office and try to lay this on his desk before he returns from his normal walk." I said as I walked out of the room.

I made it to Ravus' office and saw that he was in fact not there. I opened the door and walked inside and placed the paper on his desk. I looked for a plain piece of paper and wrote in it explaining what I had left on his desk.

"I don't believe you were give permission to enter my office." A deep voice said.

My head shot up and I saw Ravus standing in the doorway with a frown on his face.

"I was leaving a paper for you. Chancellor Ardyn asked me to-"

"I have already told him that I wasn't signing it." He said as he walked inside.

"Well you could of told me." I grumbled out.

"I thought it obvious by me not taking the paper from you."

"Well I am going to get back to work, and stop wasting my time on this stupid paper." I said as I walked past him.

His hand quickly shot out and he stopped me.

"It has come to my attention... that you believe I hate you." He said as he met my eyes.

"Well with how you avoid me like the plague."

He let out a sigh and looked at the ground.

"I only wish I hated you. It would be easier."


"I am suppose to only worry about Lunafreya, and yet... I find myself worry about you constantly." He said softly.


"You are constantly on my mind... like a plague of sorts I can't get rid of and believe me I have tried." He said as he stared down at me.

"Why? Ravus I want to be your friend.... I want to help you but I can't if you push me away."

"I don't want you as my friend.... I want you as more." He said as he stared down at me.


"I'm in love with you." He said quickly.

"Thank the six." I said as I pulled him down for a kiss.

He froze up for a second before gently wrapping his arms around me. He pulled me closer and gently kissed me back.

"So... how long where you hiding under Luna's bed?" I asked after I pulled away from him.

"I um... how did you know?"

"I saw your feet sticking out.... so did you just crawl under there as soon as you heard my voice?" I asked with a laugh.

"I... was too nervous to speak to you." He explained.

I let out a laugh and pulled him into a gentle kiss.

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