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"Sweetheart! Why are there little handprints all on the walls?" My husband asked from the kitchen.

My head shot up and I turned to look at my daughter and son, who both were covered in paint.

"Why are there handprints on the walls?" I asked with a frown.

"Because we have little hands." They said as they held their hands up.

"Because our children have little hands!" I called to him.

I went back to reading and then jumped up.

"Why are you two covered in paint!" I exclaimed.

They let out a laugh and took off running. I quickly took after them and grabbed my daughter.

"Ignis! Your son is on the run!" I called.

Ignis rounded the corner and grabbed him.

"Bathtime." He said calmly.

We carried them to the bathroom and I handed them to Ignis.

"I'll finish cleaning up. You clean them up." I said as I left the room.

Half an hour later Ignis came out of the bathroom with the twins in his arms.

"Have fun?" I asked as I finished scrubbing the walls.

"You had the easy job." He said calmly.

"Oh love, I know." I said as I pecked his lips.

He rolled his eyes and set them down.

"So what's for dinner?" I asked softly.

"You'll have to wait and find out." He said as he started to grab some pans.

I took both the kids to their room and started to play with them while we waited for supper.

"Dinner is ready!" He yelled.

"Come on." I said as I placed them in their high chairs.

After dinner was over I allowed the kids to play for another hour before bedtime.

"So... ready for dessert?" Ignis whispered in my ear.

"Only if you're my desert." I said as I captured his lips with mine.

I let out a sigh and pulled him closer.

"I love you." He whispered against my lips.

"And I love you." I said as I pulled him closer.

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