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I let out a sigh as I tucked my daughter into bed.

"Mommy, how did daddy propose to you?" She asked softly.

"Well.... it's a long story."

She set up and I sent her a smile.

"Alright, It was quite a shock to me... and I wasn't expecting it in the slightest."  I said as I smiled at the memory.


I stuck my tongue out at Nyx and he let out a chuckle and did the same.

"Wait a second, why are your tongues purple?" Libertus asked with a frown.

I saw a smirk appear on Nyx's face and I quickly stuck my tongue back into my mouth and cleared my throat.

"We had slushes." I said calmly.

"Yea, I had a red and (Y/n) here had a blue." Nyx said calmly.

"I see." Libertus said with a nod of his head.

His eyes soon went wide and he looked at us shocked.

"Oh!" He exclaimed as a blush spread across my face.

I looked away and he looked between us.

"OH! You two are.... um.... well I..."

"A couple, yes we are, going in two years now." Nyx said calmly.

"I mean we technically are not a couple... I mean you never asked."

"I thought sleeping with you made us a couple."

"Hey I could sleep with the captain and that wouldn't make us a couple." I said calmly.

"We're a couple."

"You never asked."

"(Y/n), babe, love of my life, will you marry me?" He asked calmly.

"Yes- wait what?"

"Now you're gonna be my wife." He said with a laugh.

"You sneaky son of a-"

"No take backs! You already said yes. You're stuck with me now." He said happily.

End flashback

"So he tricked you into marrying him?" She asked shocked.

"Yep... and that's why I listen to every word he says now... cheeky bastard." I said calmly.

"You could of just said no." She said with a laugh.

"He said no take backs... wasn't an option." I said as I stood up.

I kissed her forehead and turned and left the room. I smiled as I saw Nyx sitting on the couch.

"You know she has a point.... you could of said no." Nyx said with a smirk.

"And miss the nine hours of labor and you losing your arm.... no I don't think I would have." I said as I plopped down beside him.

"Do you love me?"


"Are you glad you married me?"


"Want to have another kid?"

"Yes- son of a bitch!" I snapped as I looked away.

"No take backs!" He said quickly.

"What the hell." I said as I tackled him in a kiss.

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