Chapter 9

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Once we met up with the guys after school, we had absolutely no idea how it would turn out when we told them that we would be playing at the school dance. I handed Luke and Reggie the flyer that Flynn made for us, and they scanned it. They stood quiet for some time, contemplating the idea. Reggie spoke first, "We're playing a school dance? Sweet!"

Luke was playing with his hands, looking sad about the whole ordeal, "It's not exactly the strip."

I sighed as I moved to lean next to him, "Look, there's no way that Julie and I could play the strip just straight off the bat. We need to gain a following, fans if you want to even go to the strip. So, I say how can playing the school dance be all that bad?"

Luke stared at me quietly. He scanned what I wore, before nodding his head, "Yeah, I guess you're right Novs," he bit his bottom lip.

I gulped before taking my eyes off of him.

"Yeah, your're not exactly alive," Reggie was agreeing with me, "maybe you should be happy we have our first gig." Luke rolled his eyes at his friend.

Julie was watering the plants in the studio, "I wasn't in love with the idea at first either, but," she emphasized, "it could be a great way for us to build a following, right?"

"Yea. Yeah. We need to play wherever we can, whenever we can," Reggie agreed.

Luke was nodding his head, "No, you're right. Let's rock those kids' faces off and then play the clubs."

"And then record a single that gets a billion streams," Julie said while walking towards us.

"I don't know what that id, but hopefully it gets us a manager and a tour," Luke truthfully told us.

"Then we release a bunch of hit albums," Julie continued.

Reggie got an idea, "Put out a country album that does surprisingly well."

"I don't know if you know this yet Reg, but country isn't all that big in 2020 actually," I said giving him a weak smile, "but I could be wrong. Maybe this band could make it work."

"I shred on the banjo, so.." Reggie said embarrassed making me giggle.

"Then I'll learn how to fiddle," Julie said.

"And before you know it, were being inducted into the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame," Luke said excitedly.

"But one of us isn't there because we had a blowout in 2032. My money's on Alex," Reggie said as Luke was nodding his head, "He's so sensitive."

I clapped my hands together, "Okay how about we don't start talking about this band's downfall?"

"What are we waiting for? Let's get rehearsing," Luke started turning, but stopped.

"Where is Alex," Julie noticed that the blonde wasn't nowhere around.

I walked to my guitar, "He's probably out exploring," I said fully knowing where he is.

"Hey Nova, what are you gonna sing before us," Luke asked as we both got our instruments together. I pondered on that thought for a second.

"I actually don't really even know. I have all these songs in a binder that Nate made the at the lake house the same week he died," I smiled at the memory of how hard he worked on making our album that week. Little did he know, he wasn't gonna be able to debut it. "I don't know. Maybe I'll sing one of his songs, for his honor. You know?"

"Yeah. I totally get it. Just know that I know you're gonna do great. You always do great," he rambled on.

I blushed at him, "Come on. Let's start rehearsing. Don't wanna make a fool out of ourselves because trust me, if we do it's gonna be all over social media?"

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