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Kristoffe St. George

Around four pm, I arrived at John Paul's house. He texted me to go to the back door, and he was there... Sitting on the stairs from the opening of their house. The effect of the water from the pool reflecting onto his face makes it visibly clear that he's glaring at me. I just stood there half-conscious because he looked like he wanna murder someone.

I tighten the hold of my bag straps and let my gaze fall on the floor. "Mom's not home. I just told her to make your parent force you to come over, and there's a lot of things we're going to do." He stated straightly.

If I run, it would just make him mad or perhaps I can avoid any sexual harassment for being nonchalant. "Fine, but promise me this is the last?" I countered. John Paul's jaw fades in, and that's the sign of being irritated or mad perchance.

Should I go back now? He's being dramatic and overreacting. I was about to turn back when he voiced out; "I promise..."

While thinking multiple choices. Yes, I can do intimate things with a man... But it's not like all of them are okay... There are always certain persons for me. Moving on, I know that there's nothing I could do with being like this. Being sexually into men... Yes, I value the hottest one so much, but if that guy has no time to befriends or talk with me... Then perhaps I respect them. I'll stay out of looking at them.

Because that's creepy. Speaking of being creepy, John Paul straightens his back to stand up... He started walking as he stops in front of me. His confidence was outstanding. Nobody in my friendslists has the confidence he has. He slowly reaches for my chin, eyeing me deeply with a now calm and peaceful state. Although, he attempts on pushing himself on me because I quickly look right. "Wow, is that a pigeon walking in the water?" I called. "Nah, it flew away already."

Seconds later on, I feel a tingling warmth on my shoulder and in case I'll figure it out... I haven't done it... Why? Because I was pushed in the pool. My shorts and tee-shirt were fucking drenched and I have no choice but to quickly climb up because the bag I have on has stuff inside. Kinds of Stuff like power bank, phone and other more which I've mentioned earlier.

"What the fuck!" I exclaimed, pulling my bag in the font as I check the wet things. My phone is okay hence it has a waterproof built, but my power bank? My air pods? The money mom gave? Why on earth I have to be so unfortunate?

My shoes are also sticking in. It's new by the way. "Well, if you want to go home now, I have some spare clothes inside? Want some?" I hear John Paul's offers with a blunt tone.

Which one would be better? Crowbar or chainsaw? Because if I have either one of them, I will literally butcher him in his own house.

Usually, I took off my socks first before my shirt and pants. But now that John Paul's forcing me to take off my pants first, I wanna go home right away. I know that he's violent sometimes. "Please, don't do this..." I mumbled.

"No, I'll fuck you whether you like it or not." He shot me an angry gaze and I feel hysterically frightened somehow. Though, there's quite a way to buy some time if I want to delay this as long as possible.

"Fine, I'll let you... But please, let me do what I wanted first? Okay?" It leaves him hesitant so I push more. I push more proof even though it's repulsive as fuck. I rest my palms on his chest, roamed it everywhere before I stopped on his crotch. It quickly got harden and I am shocked to squeeze firmly. Damn, he's big. "Can I take shower?" I whispered.

"O-of course..." He stammered. Good boy.

This is going to be a fucking dreadful day for me. I shouldn't have just come here. He's clever to push me in the pool. But he's dumb that I was just playing with his low IQ brain. I take twenty minutes in the shower and when I came out...

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