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Kristoffe St. George

"Just let me wear sweat pants and tee shirt mom, please?" I begged. Although, mom just shakes her head. "But mom, we're just going in a night dinner with someone!" I whined...

"It is not just an ordinary dinner, Kristoffe! It is the scene where you're going to meet your father!" She raised her voice, making me deflate. If she didn't just use the word 'scene'. What are we? A movie character?

I pout...

"Fine... Choose everything. But in one condition?" She offered. As I quickly nod, smile plastered ravenously. "Promise me to act decently?" It a little bit hurt... But you know her, she's my mother and she knows the best for me... So okay. Let's do it! At least I am free to wear what I liked. Right?

"Yes! Thanks, mom, you're the best."

Later on, when we're riding forward to a... I don't know if this is a jungle area, but mom is bringing me to it. She kept driving to the road where you can't find any lights or even lampposts. I ignored it, obviously. I trust my mom, she will never put her own son in danger. Just like the trip-in-Korea-which-my-ex-father-provided-for-us incident. I was on a hanging bridge when somebody offered me a free cellphone. I was in my freshman year at that time, I don't know if the guy speaks the language I do, and I don't even know what to do but to just accept the offer in exchange for following him.

Then when we reach the end of the hanging bridge, I heard dad screaming at someone- (there's a lot of people in the bridge taking pictures of themselves and everything) -saying; "You left your son in this freaking bridge?!" And a female voice cried on. I don't really have an idea of what was happening that day. All I knew was that I suddenly fell asleep, and I woke up with mom sleeping beside me while I was lying on a white bed in a hospital.

I asked her what happened. She said I was kidnapped and the kidnapper had me straddled on a curved couch. She didn't continue her story, but instead... She burst to cry as she hugged me. After that, our bond strengthens. I favored her over my father, I behave with her, and I follow her everywhere.

However, in my case today... I can't stand the chance of seeing the city where we came from - getting smaller and smaller in the sight of the rearview mirror. "Mom? How far does this guy you're saying lived?" I asked.

"We're getting close, Kristoffe. They live in the other city." She stated cheerfully. Like what??? Another town? How the hell did they meet? Online dating app?... Maybe...

"So... What does this guy look like? Is he younger than you?" I asked.

"Oh, dear. Thanks for asking. Luckily, I found a man my age." She sine me with a smile.

"So does that mean, you're sure he won't cheat with you?"

"Kristoffe, he has a son. He was looking for the woman of his life." She replied calmly.

"Last question. How long have you been dating?"

"If you want the real answer... Two years..."

... Two? What? Two years? Is this for real already? Is that guy really sincere? I didn't catch up... "H-how?" I stuttered with surprise.

"Well, at first it won't work out. But then he showed me how patient he is. How he really loves me in every shape. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it is for me too... I fell for his kindness... His smile... And most of all... His experience." What????? Experience???? "-Bussiness experience, Kristoffe. Don't make that face." She quickly added after I quirked my nose in a disgusting way.

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