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March Dofferman

I kinda felt dumb to react like that, we're just brothers and that's right. Or I'm just being so clingy? But Ryan said I'm not clingy to Jessica... I'm not also clingy to Rhian... They're my longest relationship... So... What happened?

Ryan says I'm just being hormonal since I haven't done fucking for months which was the truth. Though he added, "But it would be something if it's with a guy..." That scares me. Yes, I accept what will I become in the next few days, maybe gay, bisexual, pan, or whatever it is because I like Kristoffe so much... He's different from the others.

How? Well, he's a bit hard to get. I like that. He's down to earth, and he's not clingy... What amazed me more? Is the attraction. I can't seem to find the source of this... I just like 'damn, he's so handsome. Why did the Lord give him to me as a stepbrother?' It's ironic actually, for the whole hours he's been staying with me. The closer he could deal, the more attraction I could produce. It's driving me crazy that he's so extraordinary.

To finally know what shit I've been going through, I called Ryan to come over. He's a friend of mine throughout my entire high school life. He's not a best friend. Though, he's a close friend who'll help you with everything without needing some payments in return. Moreover, he's the son of my father's business partner... So yeah, that's why we are friends.

We talked about many complicated things like how to come out, how to protect my relationship with the person I love, and yeah, enhancing my gay sex skills. He always laughs and shouts out loud when I tell him how Kristoffe submitted to me in our first sex. And the thought of it made me hard so quickly.

So I took a cold bath to refresh my overheating body. However, I hear Ryan called; "March, I'm going down to have breakfast with your brother... Just follow."

Which made me question myself, "What happened to him? I thought he's angry?" Never mind, he maybe thought I am still his brother therefore he's up to say sorry or something more.

I finished taking a bath after a couple of minutes as I changed into tight jogging pants, a grey hoodie, and a pair of black socks. This time, I didn't wear any underwear. Well, it is just me and my lazy ass. Don't mind me.

When I came down, I can hear some noise those guys are making, so when I am in the middle of passing the stairs, I halt, and listen. "I thought you guys are the one... Who are... You know??" Krisstoffe is in a bit of distressed voice, and me... I felt weirded out at his question. Me and Ryan? What? No! Ew.

"What? Of course not, how did you come up with that question?" Yeah, that's good Ryan. I quickly continue walking to see them sitting on the chairs of our dining table.

"Because he's jealous.", I answered instead. It is always amusing me when I caught Kristoffe flinch. He's just so cute.

"I-I am no-not jea-jealous." He stuttered with boa wed head. Ryan was smiling and he winked at me.

"Then don't stutter." I taunted.

"Don't force him, March. You're so bad." Ryan giggled without any noise. As if he's mocking me using his words.

"Wow, what kind of friend are you?!" I sounded mad but I replied a wink to Ryan so he could ride on before giggling silently again. Kristoffe is just unlucky because I'd thought about doing some cliché techniques on him. Look at him right now. Completely embarrassed. Maybe because he's not familiar with Ryan, or just he's guilty of thinking something exaggerated regarding tor relationship.

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