22 1 0

Kristoffe St. George

Hearts, and misrule. I think I lost my control. I promised myself to not be a lady, that's my quote... But how could this be happening? I sort of feel offended or hurt when Ryan and March did something stupid.

But now, while driving home. March seemed happy. Maybe because I get too sexually aggressive earlier? I know he like that. But even though that's happening, I could still see the consequences behind me. Crowd, society, and mom — she's not homophobic, she just wants grandchildren, and that would generally make her against this. "March?"

"Yeah???" He quickly responded.

"What do you think will happen when your dad and my mom found out we're like... Something?" My question pierced through the air, March look at me with reassuring eyes.

"I am worried to you because for me 'I don't care', they don't matter in my life."

"Your dad doesn't matter to you?"

"If he gets into my way." The more I deepened my thoughts, the more March sinks into my brain. I don't know if he's really sincere about these shits but it's nice that he can risk himself just for me.

"That's nice of you," I said.

"So... Can I get something tonight?" Out of the blue, in the middle of driving, March's lips landed on my neck.

"What the fuck, dude? Are you having RGS?" I scoffed.


"Syndrome that will make the person horny every day." I roll my eyes.

"I think it's not a syndrome? It's an attraction. Who knows there is also another person who experienced this towards you." He's perhaps right. John Paul looked like him when he's horny. But I don't like John Paul, he's disgusting.

"I hope so."

"You hope so?????" March popped.

"Chill, baby boy. It's not like that one is your twin." I wink, and that leaves him mortified. Despite the fact that he's older than me, I can still be silly and snob at him... And that's why I like doing things with him.

"So does that mean... Do you like me??? And I'm the only one?" He quizzically uttered. I parked the car on our gate's driveway before answering;

"I don't think I meant that-"

It leaves me interrupted for he crashes his lips upon mine. He holds me tight and the rising tension from his aura keeps pushing my heart as it pumps faster. He delicately holds my neck in a possessive way then he rose to his seat resulting in a massive advantage to his perspective. Slowly, he inches his thighs against mine and land at the top of me with all his weight. He's a bit heavy. Maybe heavier than me.

But his light and therapeutic scent contrast the attractiveness he always has. The more he deepened the kiss, the more I could give in. After all, I have no other plans to do... Why not just give him what he wanted? I know I want him... He knows it too, so why not?

Amidst the flow of our heated lock, I demand more. He does too by traveling his lips under my jaw until he reaches my neck. I gave him access as much as possible. Throughout the entire time, he left tons of reddish-violet mark as I can clearly see it on the rearview mirror.

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