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Kristoffe St. George

There's no way I would let my mom turn my ambition around. I wanted to be a pilot... Not a nurse... Speaking of these dreams thingy... I still don't have an exact job to pick. Argh... Why do I even need to visit John Paul? He's such a pain in the ass. A fucking pervert pain in the ass.

I don't know why her mom didn't abort him while he was still in her womb. But one thing I am sure of... That John Paul hasn't had any father to grew up with. Why? Well, let me tell you why.

There's also a time in my tenth grade or last year for short... We have our Christmas party on a beach. It's nice though, perfectly warm and cold. I like it that day. However, while I was chilling at a table. John Paul came in. He still hates me for trashing his infuse the other day on our sleepover. So, I greeted him.

"John Paul, how are you?" I said.

He didn't reply first, yet he shoves a spoonful of pasta from the plate he has on hand. I was wishing to finally apologize to him... But do you know what he does? He offers me something lunatic...

"I'll only forgive you if... you give me a blow..." The remaining words left were spoken quietly. "Let's go..." He added like he doesn't feel the awkwardness and disgust I suddenly showed. "Don't tell me you wouldn't give me something again after this?" He shattered his calm tone, changing it with intense friction.

I don't know what to do that day. I was stuck and was frantically finding words to spare that guy. He's gotten worse when I tried walking out. He held my wrist tightly, and out of the bluest blue, he drags me somewhere else hidden. I can still see my classmates and their parents playing and having fun through the sea in this view behind a giant rock, but John Paul suddenly took off his sleeveless top, and let his summer shorts loosen up.

Meanwhile, I take a sharp breath as I eye his body in deep compression. I can't deny the fact that he's hot as hell... But if I were to choose... I better refuse to do something because the latter I stayed in here, the more I'll get the temptation to execute vicious things.

I was wearing a large grey tee shirt, and above-the-knee sweatpants that time - which was very a refreshing outfit... and also exposing ornaments for my lower parts. Goddammit. I admit, this guy had bloomed my inner self or something but I'm aware that it's somewhat too fast.

Therefore, I need to escape. I escaped him by jumping in the water. He was shocked, but he thought that I was luring him into a more-privacy-area, so he jumped too. I swam on my friends and to mom, and he has nothing to do but to distance away and huff...

So yeah... That's it. That's the reason why I envy John Paul so much, and there are more stories I had to tell you regarding the acts he always does when he was close to me.

Anyway, while I was surfing through my social media - mostly for memes, I notice that March has fallen asleep already. He fell asleep again. I can't blame this guy, he's so drunk last night at the point that he ended up sleeping in his car. Eee, that's dangerous. But he has a nice car, he could probably survive eighty percent.

Though, he suddenly opens his eyes which caught me off guard because I didn't know I've been staring at him a while now. "Why are you staring at me?" He spoke lowly, lining his fierce yet tamed expression.

I tried hiding my embarrassment but it was too late, I pull myself off of his bed as I stand on the tiled floor. "I-I was try-trying to check if you're heating..." That was my lame reason while stuttering shit.

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