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Kristoffe St. George

Amidst the struggle of getting caught by someone else especially Emily and her sister, March didn't stop stealing kisses at my neck or worse in my lips under the shadows of palm trees in this resort's field. I frankly let him, you know? It is also turning me on in some kind of chances.

But when we finally stop after Emily entered their room, March pin me on the walls of the men's bathroom with menacing strength. "Are you mad?" I whimpered.

"Extremely... You've been a very naughty boy lately." Wait? What? Ewww...

"Hey, don't use silly words on me. It's so disgusting." Even though I just ruined the heat between us, he still ravished my entire neck. From jaw to collar bone... He left no space to be covered with his wetness. 

"We're going back to our room. This time, you're not going everywhere." He smirked. Shit, I'm doom.

Here while, we arrived at our destination. Mom told us to wake up early the next morning because we're heading back home, but March just push me in the doors as he answered mom in a low but assuring tone; "Yes, Mrs. St. George."

I sat on my bed at the front of his, wondering what would happen next. "I don't know how to do it..." I quietly stated.

March, on the other hand, sits beside me as I suddenly feel symphonic euphoria flaming inside my stomach, then he whispered seductively right into my ear. "Neither do I, but everything can work if it is me." His right arm slid under my waist while the other one grabs me on my thigh, producing a force in which I was told to embrace his incoming kiss.

Right now, all I can just feel is numbness. There's totally blank in my mind. Realization, repulsion, and nervousness were swarming around my heart and lungs. And out of the bluest blue, when his ravishing kiss got rougher and deeper, I slightly pushed him off of me on the chest. It's enough to cut off what he's doing as he eyes me figuratively. "I-I can't..." I bite my lips.

"What-what are you talking about?"

"I told you, I can't..."

"But you liked it, you seemed very much into it. And you also got a boner when I do that. Look at you, Kristoffe. You need a hand." He slyly tainted. "You're just afraid... I know that. Don't be nervous, it'll just be an hour or so." He persuades me more than anything. He grabs my neck back and crashes both our lips into abyssal.

I don't know what's happening already. It feels like there's a scar that wanted to be wound again. It's opening like it wants to finish its business. In my heart and brain, it hurts so much. The fear of resurrecting something back is all in all. I can't still determine what thing is that.

And in order to completely revive it. I let everything go. March lie me down on the bed. He hoax me in a gentle way as his fingers catch the waistband of my shorts. He continues kissing me, just like the way he's doing to my shorts. And later on, when he finally took off my clothes, leaving my boxers on, I can utterly feel his pulsing boner sticking in and out on my thigh.

He guides my legs to tangle it on his hips. Through the daze, I didn't notice that he had also disadorned his clothes, but fully naked. He fanned his breath into my neck as a sign of anticipation. Then he pressed his body down at mine. If I'm doing this... Does that mean...

I like him?

"You're so warm. This is so nice." He hustled. Continuously humping into my crotch area. I've already thought about how large he's hard on before, but this time. I could really see it. It's not abnormal for his body, it's perfectly fit for his. "Do you like it?" Then I wake up from a reverie when he catches me looking down at it.

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