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Kristoffe St. George

At the time we got off at a nearby restaurant, I noticed how March's expression suddenly shift. From miserably sullen he became unexpectedly blithesome. And the first question I have — has suddenly slipped out of my mouth; "What's up? So happy are we?" I think it's not because of sex in my perspective... But if it is... Then maybe it was planned out.

"Guess you noticed that." He smiled, and it leaves me completely perplexed. He took a spoonful of his carbonara with a smirk which really gives me chills down my back.

"I-is it about the sex???" I whispered cautiously, pushing my head forward. But he shakes his head and his emotion subsided into a solemn facade. He wipes off his lips.

"I have to tell you something." He cleared his throat. "I lied to you," Once those words dropped down. I slowly picked up the things he has said to me for the past few days. And the only heavy thing stuck in my mind; is about his crime. "I know it's shallow and quite low but I'd really want to get laid with you again." He hustled.

My brain went blank, and all of the sudden I feel a pang of pain in my heart. "You're so bad..." I said head's slowly falling down.

"I know that..." I hear him joked. However, I wasn't really paying attention to get hostile to him just because he has done that... Nor, I firstly and frankly have the thought of being a loner in the house again. "I am deeply sorr-" So cut him.

"You know?... You could've just asked..." It just came... My mouth has gotten swelling, and right away... My heartbeats accelerated.

"What?" His shock tone weakens my stouts as I stare at his eyes. "Th-that... That would be so interesting... Uh-uhm... H-how about later?" He stuttered. Although, in general, his words cuts pain in my brain and heart. What does he think of me? Fleshjack? He had already fucked me twice within two days, and that's so weird since we are nothing but brothers.

"I don't think that's a good idea, man. No that's not happening." I barely laugh because the tension might end up negatively.

"Why not? It's your words, I'll just gonna get the opportunity." His answers are logical and impenetrable. I was hoping to redo my will but I think it's too late, and I seemed sincere about it. But what really confuses me... Is the fact that the disgust finally flew. I couldn't feel it now. There's no repulsion that was trying to build in my stomach while we are doing it. In fact, I felt... Quite tamed.

It's painful... But it's also amazing. It's just like shit, but better when it's fast. I don't know why. The pain and pleasure are driving me crazy. You wouldn't know that your cock was already dripping wet when someone's cock buried deep inside you. What the hell is happening?

I admit the sex is really good as fuck. Although, I am not saying I will do that again and again. Do you know? Receiving.

Anyway, as I was about to refuse his offer again, something pokes my crotch under the table which quickly lances a common sense that it was a foot — trying to pursue your penis. I nudge his feet away and glare at him. But then he smirks. "Typical, Kristoffe." He whispered. And then again his feet reach my crotch. I tried closing my thighs as tight as possible but his large feet is getting stronger.

"St-stop it!" I whisper yelled, trying to calm my posture. "Bastard! Quit it!" More than fifteen times he didn't stop, he continues playing the hard-on I have under my pants with his socked feet. And all I can do now is to prevent my ecstasy emotions from coming out.

I stare at him, but he only shows one expression. Amusement. He finished his food on the table and shook me gawking. "Finish yours. I'm full." He smirked. 

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