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Kristoffe St. George

Ever since that night happened, March has been too close to me these past few days. We came home, of course. We began getting brotherly bonds. I call him big bro and he calls me Lil bro. We had fun every night. Watch movies, joke against each other, and sometimes we got too naughty.

I get it, I'm ironic since I flirt a lot with someone else knowing that I've been fucking my brother. But flirting is good, you know? "What are you doing?" Suddenly, March's voice pops up behind me.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm feeding the fish."

"With cookies? That's good." He chuckles mockingly. I notice he's being clingy too. He does hugs and kisses so much. When mom or his dad wasn't looking, he steals kisses at my face, he will also bite some parts of my skin.

It's not like I don't like it, but the frequency he does this... The faster my like flew. "Uhm, hey... I wanna talk about something..." I stated.

"Regarding about what? Little brother?" He whispered in my ear as he hugs me from behind while we are sitting on the lobby couch. And also, he does a lot of sniffing.

"About this... Do you think our parents would know?"

"Why? Are you letting them know?" He slowly convoked in my back.

"No... But in an accident? What would you do?" I called.

Yet, I heard him sigh deeply, "That will not happen. It's me you're with, little brother. No one will ever know about this if you want me to." He said. So does that mean it's okay for him if everyone would know? How brave.

"Th-that's therapeutic." Trying to be okay, I found myself inching back at his hug. "I'm just gonna take a bath, okay?"

However, March didn't let me to since he held my waist firmly. "Quit reasoning out, you still smell vanilla and starcups." The latter he clawed at me, the more I'm getting repulsed. I don't know, he's getting too clingy at the moment.

And I need to stop that, "Stop, stop. You need to stop for a minute." I warned gently.

"Why? Are you scared? Scared of getting drilled again?" At the time he said that I uncontrollably jump out off of his grasp. I don't know... Maybe because I've had enough of it already?

"Control your words and sexual needs, March. If we fucked, that doesn't mean you'll need it every day. Believe me, it sounds like you're too desperate for it. Chill your horses, man." I sigh at the end, contemplating whether I should say sorry for it or just go away. "Fine... Sorry. But please? Stay on your boundaries." March's regretful face morphed back into happiness as he stands up to tower me.

"Because you said it, I will." He stated, "I just thought you're like really into me... The majority of the people who were like that which I've slept with before have left me. Sometimes I regret it... But mostly I don't... And now that you're here... I am wishing... Maybe this is the right time to not let go of a person." His words pierced my heart quite painfully and it's heavy at the same time.

"Unfortunately, I can't leave you if I had to... Because... Do you know? Our parents are getting married." I put some stress tone on the word because to feel like I wasn't fucking with him.

"That is... Right..." He mumbled, pressing his lips upon my right cheek as he holds my shoulders firmly. "Go, take your shower," he said finally.

"Thank you, your highness." I chortled.

First of all, I didn't expect that to happen. He obliged! How is that even possible anyway?! Goddammit. He's sly as much as possible. And I hope pushing him away might not be remorse someday. I can feel how he gets distressed when I negatively lift him with my reckless doings. He's a good person inside, I knew that. But seeing him vilely flirting with me? Where did his wholesomeness fly?

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