"Hey babe, I'm outside your house, whenever your ready." Your boyfriend, Calum says through the phone.
You hold the phone to your ear while you use your other free hand to stick on your converses as you giggle, "You gonna tell me where we're going?"
"For the hundredth time, Y/N, it's a surprise, so no."
"Come onnnnnn, pleaseeeeee."
"Babe, no! I'm tryna be romantic here, it's valentines day let me have this!"
"Fine! I'm just coming out now, see you in a minute, babe."
You ran down the stairs grabbing your bag and your keys on the side table.
You called out to your mam, "Mam, Calum's outside so we're going out, see you later."She called back, "Okay, Y/N, have fun!"
You walked out of the house and walked across your drive, hopping into the passenger side of Calum's car.
You smiled at Calum as he leaned in to give you a long, soft kiss.He pulled away smiling, "Happy Valentines day, babe."
You reply, "You too, babe. So! Where're going?"
Calum laughed, "Wow, you're not gonna give up are you?"
You giggled, "Nope!"
"Well do, because I ain't telling you, it's a surprise!"
"Babe! Look, I love you, but please shut up because either way I'm not telling you. So just stick a good song on for us while I drive."
You rolled your eyes knowing Calum wasn't budging and leaned over to the stereo, Calum's phone was connected so you were able to flick through his music to pick what to play.
You settled for Blink 182 and Calum cheered in agreement, turning up the volume and singing along with the music while head banging too.
As you watched him you couldn't help but giggle and think 'why is this idiot your boyfriend?'Calum looked over at you and basically read your mind as he smirked, "You love me."
The car stopped at a red light so you leaned over giving him a quick kiss as you winked, "Yes, I do. But not right at this moment, as he won't tell me where he's taking me!"
"Well sorry for tryna be a romantic boyfriend!"
You were in the car for over an hour so you sighed, "Calum, where are you taking me?"
He smiled, "Sorry babe, I missed the turning. We're like two minutes away. Close your eyes for me, okay?"
You bit your lip, not knowing whether to do so or not.
Calum looked over and laughed lightly, "Babe, come on, trust me. Close your eyes, you're gonna love this. Please."
You slowly closed your eyes, listening to Calum as he sang along to Nirvana on the radio.
After a few minutes, the car pulled to a stop so you said excited, "Can I open them now??"
Calum replied, "In a minute, babe. Just gotta do something first...."
You heard a click of a button and then a noise. At first it startled you, but then you recognised the sound.
You asked puzzled, "Ummm......why you opening the roof, Calum?"
"You'll see in a minute, Y/N. Okay.......open em!"
You opened your eyes and looked beside you to see a row of cars parked beside you, all around you.
You said slowly, "Wow.....you uh.....brought me to a car park.......thanks??"
Calum laughed, "Look around more carefully, babe."
You did so, looking around you. It was only after a few minutes you copped on where you were.
You gasped, "No. Way."
He asked, "Figured it out??"
"You brought me to a drive in movie?! How??! I mean, I didn't even know they did these anymore!!?"
"Let's just say I pulled a few strings.... By that I just mean I got the boys to look anywhere nearby or even just a little bit out of Sydney, closest one was here! You've always said you'd love to see one, so why not? Thought today would be perfect for it."
"That's incredible, Calum.... Thank you."
"Anything for my girl."
You both leaned in for a kiss, your hands slowly snaking around his neck to play with the ends of his hair, earning a little moan from him, making you giggle under the kiss.
You pull away grinning, "What movie are we watching?"
Calum's eyes widened, making you ask while laughing, "You don't even know what movie we're watching? You twat."
He held his hands up defensively saying, "Hey, dyou know how hard it was finding this place, that was all I cared about, not what movie! Besides, it's valentines day so it's more than likely some romance or something."
"It's fine, I love it regardless. You're my twat."
Calum smiled leaning to give you a kiss on your forehead.You suddenly shivered when a cold breeze came about.
Calum asked, "Did you not bring a coat?"You shook your head, earning a laugh from Calum.
You replied, "Hey, you didn't exactly give me any hints of where we were going so I didn't think I'd need to. Next time, say something like 'oh, by the way Y/N, you might need your coat because we're gonna be outside' okay babe?"
Calum nodded chuckling, "Okay babe, I'll keep a note of that for next time. Here, babe."
He leaned forward in his seat and shrugged out of his jacket, and helping you slip it on.
You wrapped it around you as if your life depended on it, before leaning over to Calum and cuddling up with him as the big screen ahead lit up.Calum reached behind into the back seat and pulled over a little basket along with a blanket.
He opened the blanket and wrapped it around the two of you before placing the foods in front of you.You laughed, "Wow babe, looks like you thought of everything..."
He nodded proudly, making you both laugh.Once he did so, he leaned back in his seat, with his arm over you cuddling you into his chest as you both stared ahead.
You looked up at him and said, "Cal?"
He looked down at you replying, "Yeah babe?"
"How did I get so lucky to get you as a boyfriend?"
"I should be the one asking you that, haha."
"Really Calum, I mean it. This is incredible, I love what you've done, it's the best gift ever. Thank you."
Calum grew a big smile on his face as he leant down to give you a soft kiss before leaning back away saying, "Anything for my girl. I love you, Y/N. Happy Valentines day."
You smiled, "Happy Valentines day, Calum. I love you too."
Then the movie began to start so you sat there watching, while cuddling with Calum; thinking of what a sweet boyfriend you have...💖
**HAI :--)
Happy Valentines Day aw💖
...even though it's 3am here ATM so yeah Valentines Day has passed.......OH WELL :--)**

5SOS Imagines Book One☺️
FanfictionSo I have a 5sos account on Instagram, @2.much.5sos , & I do some 5SOS imagines on there so yeah, just thought I'd put them all together in Wattpad for people to read ☺️ Each chapter will be a new imagine ☺️ Some are personals that've done, most wil...