Imagine coming out of the airport with the boys after being on tour for a few weeks..
As you walk out holding hands with your boyfriend Ashton, the boys are greeted by the familiar sound of fans cheering as they walk through Arrivals.
As the fans walk over towards you and the boys, Ashton pulls you closer into him; he's always been protective over you, knowing that this is all slightly new and a bit surreal to you.
You say to Ashton as the fans begin talking to the boys, "I'm gonna go wait over there, babe. Let the fans talk to you guys."
He slowly nods, you can tell he's not too sure whether to let you go or not so you smile, "Ash, I'll be fine. I'm just over there, I'll see you in a bit."
Ash nods again before leaning down and giving you a soft kiss, making the fans 'Oo' and 'aw' around you - which makes you blush.
You carry on walking and sit on the luggage trolley, smiling as you watch the boys interacting with the fans.
You decide to pull out your phone and text your family, letting them know you've landed and everything when you hear a voice infront of you say, "You're Y/N....right??"You raise your head to see a small group of about 7 girls, about 16 years old or so, all staring at you.
This is the first time that any fans have spoken to you, by you were a bit scared.You swallowed the lump in your throat nodding, "Erm...y-yeah I uh, I'm Y/N..."
One of the girls looked to her friend as she scowled at her, "I told you it was her."
The lump in your throat felt 10 times bigger now, were these girls going to slag you off infront of you or something?
Then they looked back at you grinning, "We just wanted to come over and say hi because you looked alone and we wanted to come and meet you! But this one told me it wasn't you, when I knew it was."
You let out a sigh of relief as you replied, "Oh! Awww well that's sweet of you, thanks!"
Then you hear a voice, "Y/N?"
You turn to the direction of the voice to see Ashton about to hug a fan, but his eyes are on you as he says to the fan he's about to hug then to you, "Sorry I've just gotta talk to her. okay there? Everything alright...?"
The girls smile at you sweetly as you call back to Ashton, "I'm good here, babe"
Ashton smiles at you and then continues meeting the fans surrounding him.
One of the girls with you says, "He's so protective of you it's so cute. You can tell he won't let anything or anyone hurt you."
You look at the girl, then to Ashton, and then back to the girl smiling, "I know, how'd I get so lucky."

5SOS Imagines Book One☺️
FanficSo I have a 5sos account on Instagram, @2.much.5sos , & I do some 5SOS imagines on there so yeah, just thought I'd put them all together in Wattpad for people to read ☺️ Each chapter will be a new imagine ☺️ Some are personals that've done, most wil...