Imagine being Luke's girlfriend.
Ever since 5SOS were formed, Luke literally brought you with him & the boys everywhere; whether it was signings, gigs, interviews, meet&greets - any event that 5SOS had to be at, you'd be there too.
Of course, you're just an ordinary girl dating a boy you met in high school who was currently in a famous band taking on the world; so this whole 'famous' experience thing was like getting hit by a bus to you; you had no familiarity with it at all.
So obviously, you were a bit worried whenever you & the boys stepped out of a vehicle or a building & suddenly got bombarded by many fans all wanting to meet their idol; even though it scared you a bit, you still thought it was adorable - the fact that your boyfriend & his mates could make all of these (& more) people happy just by talking, giving a hug, signing something or taking a photo with them.
But Luke has always had a fear in the back of his mind that one day, this would all get too much for you, & that you would leave Luke.
But you always reassured him that you'd never leave him, which was true; but that didn't stop the fear every time you came out or was going to an event; & Luke & the boys could see that.
One day you & the boys were coming out of a building just after doing an interview, & were greeted by a huge crowd of fans waiting outside the building...
Normally the boys would stop & try to meet as many people as they can; but because they were so pressed for time, they could only take very little photos with the fans; which made them all more eager to meet the boys; which increased your fear slightly.
The boys can see your anxious, & so Michael walks on ahead of you to start meeting some fans, whilst Luke follows behind Michael, & you behind Luke.
Luke can see that this is making you more anxious; all of the sudden pushing & screaming & yelling of the boys names, so Luke takes your hand tightly & protectively; his touch calming your nerves instantly, as he starts protectively leading you through the crowd; telling Calum & Ashton to stay close behind you; which they do.
As the three of them walk through the crowd, you hear Luke saying to the fans that he promises that he, Calum & Ashton will come say hi to them when he is certain that you are in the van safe...

5SOS Imagines Book One☺️
FanfictionSo I have a 5sos account on Instagram, @2.much.5sos , & I do some 5SOS imagines on there so yeah, just thought I'd put them all together in Wattpad for people to read ☺️ Each chapter will be a new imagine ☺️ Some are personals that've done, most wil...