Imagine Luke and the boys are on tour, their first headline tour ever around Europe. He asked you if you would be able to come with them, but because of work and college and everything, you just couldn't get the time off to go with them..
About a month later into the Europe tour, the next and final show is in London in two days. You're FaceTiming Luke and he asks, "How's things back home?"
You shrug, "Same old really, it's so quiet without you guys..."
"Awwwh, you could still come here yknow..."
"Our final show is in two days in London. You could get the next plane out and make it here! You've always wanted to come to London! We can be all touristy and take selfies behind Big Ben and the Eye and everything!"
"Babe, I'd love to, it all sounds amazing...but I can't. My boss won't give me the time off work. I'm sorry."
"It's fine babe, just a few more days till I see your beautiful face again."
"I can't wait babe, oh I better go. Mum's giving me a lift to work, love you."
"Love you Y/N, the boys say bye too!"
You shut down your phone as your mam walks into your room, "Ready Y/N?"
You zip up your bag smiling, "Yup, all ready."
"Did he suspect anything?"
"Nope, he thinks you're dropping me to work."
"He's going to be so surprised when he sees you!! Right come on, don't wanna be late for your flight."
The closer you got to the airport, the more excited you got to see Luke and the boys. Luke had no idea, but Calum, Michael and Ashton knew; it was Ashton that was coming to pick you up and drop you at a friend's house not too far from where the boys were staying, while Calum and Michael kept Luke distracted.
*two days later*
So the boys are playing their last gig in London on their European tour and you're going as a surprise to Luke.He called you earlier, you had to act like you were in bed because of the 'time difference' and wished him luck and said that you couldn't wait to see him when they came home. Luke said that he'll message you when they're back at the house telling you how it went.
During the support acts, you stood in the crowd, luckily not noticed by anyone, you saw Liz and Ashton catch your eye above you. Ashton text you saying that when they're about to go on stage, he'll come down and bring you up to where the friends and family are while Luke's setting up with Calum and Michael.
Like he said, about an hour later someone pulled you behind. You were startled at first, as whoever it was was wearing a grey hoodie, his face hidden.
You pulled your arm out of his grip saying, "Oi, what dyou think you're playing at?"He grabbed you again and pulled you closer to him, which you instinctively shoved him away. Then he spoke, "Hey hey, chill! It's me! Ashton!"
Relief washed over you when he pulled his hood showing his dimpled grinning self as he looked down at you. He pulled you into a hug as you laughed, "I thought you were some random dude pulling me out to mug me or something!"
He laughed as he draped his arm over your shoulder leading you up the stairs, "Awwwh, I'd never do that to you! So, how was your flight? How's Y/F/N?"
You had a short conversation with Ashton, just talking about how your flight was, how things were back home, how Y/F/N was, how you were finding your first time in London, what you've been up to, what the boys have been up to etc.
Once you both walked up the stairs, you were greeted first by Liz, Luke's mum, pulling you into a hug, along with some other close friends and family members.
Ashton then tapped you on the shoulder saying, "I better go back down, they'll be wondering where I've gone. See you after, okay?"You nodded giving him a big hug and watched him leave, the excitement building inside you as you couldn't wait to see the boys play. You thought that it would be best to stand by the rail near the end of the night, so until then, you stood behind the friends and family so you wouldn't be so easily spotted by Luke.
So, as you thought, the boys were killing it. They were playing some new and old songs, you stood over by the edge out of Luke's sight to watch the boys and Ashton cheekily stuck his tongue out at you making you giggle.
About an hour or so passed, and the boys were coming up to their final song.
As the boys prepared themselves, Luke spoke into the microphone. "Okay so, this is our last song. Before we start playing, I just wanted to say a quick thankyou to you guys, to our friends and family, without all of you....we wouldn't be on this stage right now."Michael cuts Luke off by saying, "Stop getting all soppy and just introduce the final song you idiot!"
Everyone laughs along with Luke as he chuckles, "Alright. So, this final song......I'd like to dedicate this song to someone special.... Shes always wanted to come to London but unfortunately, she couldn't this time, so she's back home. I love her a lot, and miss her.... So this is for all of our family and friends who have helped us get here, and for Y/N, my beautiful girlfriend who...." Luke trails off as he looks up to where all of their family and friends are standing, you grinning beside Liz as you see his expression drop into shock as you wave at him then blow him a kiss.
After a few seconds, a huge grin spreads on Luke's face as he continues, " standing right up there beside my lovely mother...."
Michael and Calum start cheering as Ashton giggles, "Surprise!!" Causing everyone in the crowd to cheer and 'aw'
Luke couldn't stop staring at you, his expression clearly giving away how happy he was to see you standing where you were.Then he said, "So, like I said. This is for Y/N, who's actually here now.....and our family and friends. Our final song is Wherever You Are. Feel free to sing along."

5SOS Imagines Book One☺️
FanfictionSo I have a 5sos account on Instagram, @2.much.5sos , & I do some 5SOS imagines on there so yeah, just thought I'd put them all together in Wattpad for people to read ☺️ Each chapter will be a new imagine ☺️ Some are personals that've done, most wil...