Imagine being Michael's girlfriend,
The boys are about to leave to go off on their world tour supporting 1D.You and Michael save eachother as your last person to say goodbye to, knowing that it was going to be the hardest.
As soon as Michael had finished saying goodbye to his parents, he frowned at you, so you wasted no time in running into his arms; embracing his amazingly tight hugs that you loved so much for the last time for a few months.
Tears streamed down your cheeks while Michael soothingly rubbed your back whispering, "Y/N, don't cry.."
You mumble, "I'm just gonna miss you, a lot."
"I know, babe. I'm gonna miss you too, more than you'll ever know. But I'll text you, call you, Skype you, snapchat you, anything everything, I promise. Just so I can hear your beautiful voice and see your gorgeous face to get me through these months."
You nod into Michael's chest, not wanting to say anything.
Then you heard Calum's voice, "Michael, we need to go..."
You felt your heart fall to your stomach as you hug yourself tighter into Michael, if it were possible, not wanting to let him go.
You manage to bring yourself the courage to release yourself from him and as you look up, you notice Michael getting teary too.
No one really pegged Michael as the type that would get emotional, but you've been there for eachother through a lot, Michael has been your rock and helped you up whenever you hit what seemed like hell.
Michael places his hand gently under your chin, lifting your face up so your faces are inches apart. You both pull in and a tear falls down your cheek as you think that this will be the last time you feel his lips on yours for god knows how many months.
Luke clears his throat, "Uh, Michael...sorry but uh, we gotta go or we're gonna be late..."
You pull away slowly, only for Michael to follow you, reconnecting the kiss.
You pull away again and whisper, "You gotta go..."
Michael nods before replying, "I mean it, every day we're gonna talk. Even if I have to stay up till 3 in the morning because you'd still be asleep. I promise, I love you, Y/N. To the moon."
When you and Michael were about 6 months into your relationship, he was the first to initiate the 'I love you' and when he did, he added 'to the moon' and since then, it's just become a thing from him; so much that he even got 'to the moon' tattooed on his arm...
You smile, "Love you too, Michael."
Michael turns and walks over to the cab, hopping in before giving you a small wave.
You take a shaky breath as the cab begins to drive, dreading the lonesome months that were coming.
Michael sticks his head out the window calling out, "Y/N! I love you, I'll miss you loads!"
You reply, "Love you too Michael, I'll miss you too. See you in a few months babe, have fun!"
Ashton then sticks his head out of the window beside Michael smiling friendly back to you, "Don't worry, Y/N! I promise I'll look out for him for you, okay? See you soon!"
You smiled waving at the cab picked up speed, feeling a bit more relieved at Ashton's promise to look out for Michael for you while they're touring.
If only someone was to look out for you here......Your thoughts are interrupted as someone nudges you, making you stumble a bit.
It's Mali.She winks, "Come on, first things first; shopping then movie night."
You both giggle as you link arms and begin walking down the road, guess you did have someone to look out for you while the boys are touring.

5SOS Imagines Book One☺️
FanfictionSo I have a 5sos account on Instagram, @2.much.5sos , & I do some 5SOS imagines on there so yeah, just thought I'd put them all together in Wattpad for people to read ☺️ Each chapter will be a new imagine ☺️ Some are personals that've done, most wil...