*OKAY so I'm sure we all know about the fan that tricked Ashton into getting a kiss on the lips - she asked for one on the cheek and turned her head catching his lips yah?✌️ Sooo in this imagine.... ITS CALUM NOT ASHTON☺️*
Imagine you & Calum were in a relationship.
Of course, you knew the good & not so good perks of being in a relationship with a boy who's band is getting pretty famous... But you knew you could tolerate it...
That is, until you reached your limit where you simply couldn't take it anymore.
"Y/N... I don't know why you're being like this... She was just a fan. JUST a fan. It meant nothing! I love YOU. YOURE my girlfriend!" Calum shouted across the room, his hands scuffed in his hair showing his frustration.
"Just a fan? What about all these other fans who only managed to get a kiss on the cheek? & this ONE girl manages to get a kiss on the lips. The LIPS CALUM. So what was so special about her huh?"
"Look, I swear I didn't plan for this! You know how much the fans mean to us all! So she asked for a picture with me kissing her on the cheek, so I said yes! But just as I was about to kiss her cheek, she turned her head & caught my lips! I didn't plan it I swear! I wouldn't have agreed if she asked for one on the lips!"
Ignoring his response, you pull out your phone & get the picture of Calum lip-kissing that fan on your screen. You snap quietly, "Don't blame ya to be honest Cal. She's 100 times prettier than me. Maybe she should be your girlfriend instead."
Calum quietly makes his way over to you, places his hands on both your arms gently as he says to you, "Y/N don't say that. You're beautiful & I love you"
You look up from your phone to Calum's face, his big pure brown eyes staring directly into yours, his mouth forming into the pout that could make you smile in all situations.
You feel yourself begin to smile & then shake your head, coming back to reality as you cry & push Calum away from you, releasing yourself from his grasp, "No, Calum! You can't just hold me, say stuff & pull that puppy face expecting that I'd just melt, forgive you & forget about everything! Not this time! You know what, I'm...I'm done Calum... I can't do this anymore..."
At this point, your eyes were flooded with tears as they streamed down your face, Calum's beginning to do the same as he asked in a pleading voice, "Y/N... What dyou mean you're done?"
You shake your head, not believing that you're actually saying this. You say slowly, "This, Calum... Us... I'm done, we're finished. I'm sorry."
You begin walking around the house, grabbing some things that you think will last you for a few days, at the moment you weren't planning on coming back here for a while, you didn't really want to see Calum for a bit...
You grab a few clothes (etc.), ignoring Calum as he followed you around like a puppy, pleading for you to stop, listen & stay; shifting away from his grasp every time you passed him & his hands found yours or your arm.
You ignore his final plead as you walk towards the front door, not daring to look back at the boy you loved but were leaving - knowing that if you seen his face you would just breakdown & cuddle him..not wanting to leave. But right now, you needed to get away from him, you needed to clear your head.
You walk out of the house & call up your friend, asking if you can crash at her house for a few days...
A few weeks pass & you're still at your friends; not having spoken to Calum since that night - although you still received texts & calls from Calum, but you never answered or replied to them...you didn't want anything to do with him or hear anything he wanted to say.
Anyway, you're on twitter, you hear that the boys are doing a radio tour for their newest single SLSP, so you felt to check & see how many people got to meet them, what was going on etc.
You smiled when you saw people's tweets expressing how happy they were that they met their sunshines...
That's when you noticed that all of the pictures were with either Michael, Ashton or Luke... You couldn't find any pictures of Calum with a fan, at all...
Confused, you continue searching until you find a picture of Calum posted by a fan.
You open the tweet & see that the fan captioned it with, "Calum today outside the radio station :) he kept away from the fans & stayed by the door while Michael, Luke & Ashton met the fans...When I got my picture with Luke I asked him what was wrong with Calum and he said, 'He's been like this for a few weeks now... Him & his girlfriend Y/N had a pretty big argument & broke up so it's hit him pretty hard... All he does is sit & stare at his phone all day every day sending texts to Y/N to explain how sorry he is, but she never replies....he calls her, but she never answers... He still texts & calls her though..probably hoping she'll actually pick up or reply to him... Don't take him not coming over to meet you guys as a personal offence, I think he's just going through a rough patch atm...' How sweet!!! Poor Calum :(( xx"
You frown reading the tweet... Maybe you should've given him a chance...
You stretch across the bed reaching for your phone, pushing buttons quickly & bringing the phone up to your ear; the ringing tones making your heart beat faster each time...
It stops. A voice speaks, "Hello? Y/N??"
You murmur, "Hey Calum..."
"I've missed you"💕

5SOS Imagines Book One☺️
FanfictionSo I have a 5sos account on Instagram, @2.much.5sos , & I do some 5SOS imagines on there so yeah, just thought I'd put them all together in Wattpad for people to read ☺️ Each chapter will be a new imagine ☺️ Some are personals that've done, most wil...