Imagine being Luke's girlfriend.
Before 5SOS became as big as they are now, you promised Luke that you would be with him every step of the way; whereas Luke's always asking you if you're sure you wanna stick around with him (& the boys) knowing that what's ahead of them is going to get hectic - meaning fans will go crazy wherever they go etc.
But you always kissed him gently, reassuring him that nothing was gonna scare you away.
The only thing that worried you both was how the fans would act towards/with you. I mean, they can either be really nice & lovely to you, or the complete opposite.
The boys have released their first single, She Looks So Perfect, & have done a radio tour around the UK; of course you said you'd go because hello- who wouldn't pass an opportunity to get outta Sydney & visit the UK for the first time?! You sure as hell weren't gonna.
The fans were mental, even though it was pouring down with rain, they still refused to leave until they saw the boys - which you thought was just plain adorable & dedication; the boys were lucky to have fans like them supporting them.
As the boys exit the building & go out to meet some fans, you stay on the sidelines quietly to yourself; making sure you don't cause any reason for the fans to hate on you.
You were surprised when you heard some fans yelling, "Y/N! Y/N! Here!! Y/N!!!" to you. You looked up to see a group of girls, beckoning you into their direction. Confused, you slowly walked over to them; not really sure why they would want to talk to you.
But to your surprise, they were really lovely to you. They even wanted to take a picture with you!! Honestly, with it pouring down with rain, you were expecting the fans to be a bit.... Y'know, like cranky n stuff....but they were just really lovely in general.
It's time for you & the boys to go, & you're still talking with some of the fans! They're just talking about anything & everything; you find it cute when they ask stuff about the boys like "is Luke grumpy in the morning" or "how does Michael decide on his next hair colour" etc.
You stop mid-conversation when you hear someone calling your name, it's Luke, "Y/N?? Y/N! We gotta go, babe. As much as I love seeing our fam being nice to you, but we really gotta go if we wanna make the next station! I've got your umbrella ready, let's go!"
You say goodbye to the fans, both thanking each other for the lovely conversation & join like under the umbrella as you walk back to the van to join the boys.
Once you're inside the van sitting beside Luke, he laces his fingers through yours & kisses you gently smiling, "See, I knew the fam would love you"

5SOS Imagines Book One☺️
FanfictionSo I have a 5sos account on Instagram, @2.much.5sos , & I do some 5SOS imagines on there so yeah, just thought I'd put them all together in Wattpad for people to read ☺️ Each chapter will be a new imagine ☺️ Some are personals that've done, most wil...