Imagine you & Luke had been going out for 2 years,
As his & the boys' band, 5SOS, were getting even bigger by the day, you knew that more pressure was going to be out on your relationship...
Which lead to your first ever major fight with Luke..
When all that happened was one night, you agreed to go out with your friends for a needed catch up; whilst Luke went out with the boys. Luke saw a picture of you & your best-guy friend & he was acting a bit too friendly in the picture... But you thought nothing of it as it was just drunken banter. But Luke didn't think that.
You explained to Luke that your best guy friend was nothing more than just your friend & that it meant nothing bc it was just a drunken fun night with old friends...
But Luke was adamant that you were cheating with him & so, broke up with you...
Now all that Luke heads from the boys and his family & friends is how stupid he was for breaking up with you - the girl who made him the better person, the girl who was his best friend as well as his girlfriend - & for not even attempting to make things work between you both.
Could he have just made the biggest mistake of his life by letting you go..

5SOS Imagines Book One☺️
FanfictionSo I have a 5sos account on Instagram, @2.much.5sos , & I do some 5SOS imagines on there so yeah, just thought I'd put them all together in Wattpad for people to read ☺️ Each chapter will be a new imagine ☺️ Some are personals that've done, most wil...