Imagine being Luke's best friend. You guys go wayyyyyy back.
Ever since Luke started a band with his friends, Calum, Michael & Ashton; you've found yourself getting along with them really well too.
Which Luke was relieved about, because as his band is important to him, you are just as important to him & so the last thing he wanted to do was pick between you & the band.
For a while, Luke has been telling you that Calum & Michael have a crush on you.
You being you, don't believe him & just brush it off your shoulder; but Luke still tells you nonetheless.
The boys are away at a gig & you're at home, catching up on some assignments when you hear your phone go off, it's a picture message from Luke, "Hey Y/N :--) just backstage, bout to go perform in like 10 mins so just thought I'd say hey so.....heyyyyy :--) btw, we were talking about relationships & stuff & Ashton asked if you were still with your ex, Y/E/B/N, so I said you guys broke up & yeah.... Calum & Michael are arguing about who gets to ask you out & Michael's just yelling at Calum right now n yeah...... Still don't believe me??xx"

5SOS Imagines Book One☺️
FanficSo I have a 5sos account on Instagram, @2.much.5sos , & I do some 5SOS imagines on there so yeah, just thought I'd put them all together in Wattpad for people to read ☺️ Each chapter will be a new imagine ☺️ Some are personals that've done, most wil...