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Jas woke up bright and early on Thursday she was determined to get motivated again for Uni, this unfortunately started with an early run with Jack. She was reading how exercise was beneficial and as a musician all her life she never really found the time to exercise, a casual walk was more her style. However, Jas hit snooze one too many times, not wanting to leave the warmth of her bed until...

"WAKE UP JAS," Jack said, shocking Jas awake "You've never been an early bird" Jack jokingly said and pulled her covers of not giving Jas an option!

"Alright, alright give me ten," Jas said half-awake, Jas put on some leggings and a jumper not fully aware of what was going on until she opened the door and felt the bitter February cold against her cheeks. She had an early lecture at 9, the train would take half an hour, so they had no choice but to leave before the sun had barely risen. They both stretched and warmed up and off they went.

"I thought you said light jog jack?!?!??" Jas said while panting, she knew she wasn't cut out for this. Jack somehow managed to look as if the run hadn't even started which did baffle Jas.

"Jas this is my pace," Jack said looking at Jas trying to catch her breath and avoid an asthma attack.

"slight difference between us, I'm not an athlete," Jas said sarcastically. "I'm going to start to 'jog' back I can't be late", as much as Jas would've liked to of walked back this wasn't exactly an option as she was tight on time.

She was rushing around, collating all of her books together suddenly realising she should be more organised. By some form of a miracle and the fact, the train station was a mare 2 minutes away meant she was able to make it just in time to the St Cross building where she saw Ella waiting tentatively almost believing Jas wouldn't even show up.

"Where have you been!!!" She said concerned. Ella and Jas were mutual friends, they had the same classes but outside of that they hardly saw each other, in a sense, it was isolating Jas living off-campus.

"I stupidly decided to workout with Jack this morning", the look on Ella's face after hearing Jas workout said it all, and they started to erupt in laughter.

"You, working out, with Jack. Ok- are you ok?" Ella said laughing. Jas looked over and her smile grew.

As the lecture went on Jas found herself increasingly more bored, hardly being able to stay awake Ella however, looked as if she was on the edge of her seat for the entire lecture as if she was watching an action film, which slightly baffled Jas.

"That was so interesting, but god do they set us a lot of work", Ella said, she could see Jas rolling her eyes in that direction.

"A library trip is necessary I think" Jas replied as they both collected their items and made their was across campus to the library, although today they took a different route more scenic. They ended up walking past the Denis Arnold hall which has the most beautiful sounds emerging, violinists playing, flautists, and pianists. Jas zoned out, stopped listening to Ella as she tuned into the music emerging.

"Helllloooooo Jas, are you there", Ella said while punching her arm lightly they both knew Jas was longing to go and play, and it still confused Ella why she was here for Law, not music. "When's the season restarting again?", Ella knew how involved Jas was with the whole motorsport world as much as Jas now loathed it.

"Well 25th in Melbourne," She said.

"And are you going?"

"Probably not- 24 hour flight for a few races, I can't do that," Jas explained,

"Not with this much work," Ella joked. Jas's parents were such major investors in Williams and were so involved in the team, they adored going to Grand Prix's and managed to bring Jas along but usually only to the ones where she could watch Nate or Jack in GP3 or GP2. The whole buzz of the weekend she used to love; she knew it would be different without Nate but there's no way she couldn't support Jack. Ella never really understood the fascination with racing and formula one. "Jack's first race is in Shakir in April, but I have a feeling I'll only make it to the European ones," Jas said while trying to lift the mountain of books she was carrying.

"Only the European ones!" Ella said sarcastically.

"Right- I know I know," Jas said laughing to herself. Sometimes she forgot how odd her life was. "I'll be going to support Jack, that's it." Before they knew it they were at the library, probably their new home for the next year, and they stayed until the early evening before she realised she needed to get back.

The train journey back is enjoyable for Jas, she enjoys just sitting and looking out into the fields and doing nothing, while listening to music, she often finds it's the only time she manages to be by herself. Before she knew it, she was at her station and home, welcomed by jack who anticipated her being home before him. She had picked up some chicken and fajita seasoning on the way home, the look on Jack's face when he saw it was his favourite meal.

"Yeah I went in the sim today, trained, nothing new," Jack said.

"You love it though, I wish I could get on a sim." She said.

"Jas, you know they love you down at Williams, you should go," Jack said.

"Yes, I will- when I get the time," Jas said lying. she loved playing video games when she has enough time and especially F1 video games. Jack's day although simple still made Jas's day look utterly boring. "I spent about four hours in the library."

"Wow, Jas you know how to have fun" Jack mocked her knowing how much she would've hated the thought of sitting and being in the same chair for hours on end. "Oh yeah I forgot to ask, are you still ok to come to the Autosport awards with me. Do you remember the place had a leak and they couldn't hold it in December?" Jack asked nervously.

"Yeah, of course, I'd love to. When is it?" Jas replied.

"Next Saturday, the 10th. Might be the day before your birthday" Jack said.

"Well then it'll be a good way to celebrate with all the awards you're going to get" Jas joked, she'd never been to an event like this before and didn't know too many drivers in Formula 1, more the drivers her brother knew in formula two or three. She did, however, know of the Williams drivers. The idea of going up to London excited her, she hadn't been in so long and the buzz around London creates such a unique atmosphere, she knew it was going to be a good night.

A Night To Remember - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now