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"I'm Lando by the way" He finally introduced himself.

"I'm Jasmine or Jas whatever you want," Jas was stumbling over her words, although she was unsure if this was because she was intoxicated or if she was nervous. 

"Wait so you're at the awards, right?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm not picking up quite as many awards as you though," Jas joked.

"Oh yeah, I've got loads, a spare if you want it." Lando said as he saw her smile grow, "teach me,"

"Right just play these notes" Jas pointed to three notes she began to play a few chords. They somehow managed to string together some kind of piece, which baffled Lando.

"Wait, that sounded good?" Lando said in disbelief, they both broke out into laughter but then Lando caught her eyes and was completely and utterly beside himself, almost as if time had stopped. He ended up playing all the wrong notes making Jas not be able to hold in any more laughter and just burst out laughing to the point she was shedding tears; her laugh was so funny Lando ended up crying with laughter at her laughter.

"No, no you were doing so... well." Jas said slightly sarcastically, "You're a natural."

 Once they had slightly calmed down, he wiped a tear from her eye. Jas felt her heart rate speeding up, she looked back at the piano and did the only thing she knew how. She began to play, improvising as she went along. It felt as if they were both stuck in time together, absorbed in each other.

Suddenly, a text lit up Jas's phone: "Are you ok? You've been gone a while", it was from Jack and it suddenly dawned on her how long she'd been away. Lando saw the name pop up on her phone and was slightly confused.

"We should probably get back" Jas suggested, but deep down she didn't want to leave.

"Yeah of course" Lando reluctantly said, he enjoyed her company just those two together it felt right. He thought to himself and was unsure of why Jas would be at the Autosport awards? He had never seen her before. "So, what brought you to the awards this evening?" he asked due to his curiosity.

"Well, I'm here as Jack Aitken's plus one," Jas said knowing it sounded slightly odd.

"Oh right," Lando said with a disappointed tone in his voice. They made their way back to the entrance, the man on the door let Lando in without hesitation recognising him instantly but had to ask to see if Jas was on the list.

"Yeah, I should be under Aitken, it's Jasmine," she said, which felt made it even crystal clear for Lando. Of course, she came with someone else, he thought to himself feeling too stupid. As they re-entered Jas was looking for Jack, but she saw to her surprise that her seat had been taken by a friend of Jack's, Lando saw this too and felt bad for Jas who was now chair-less.

"Hey, there's a spare seat next to me if you want it?" Lando nervously asked.

"I thought you'd never ask" Jas joked back.

"So, are you and Jack... a thing?" Lando finally brought up the courage to ask. Jas started to hold in her laugh, she knew people would turn around and stare.

"No, no we're not. We've been friends since I was around three, we recently moved in together." Jas mentioned. Lando gave off a sigh of relief but tried to hide it.

"Nice, whereabouts?"

"Near oxford, it's so nice round there very similar to Guilford though." Jas commented Lando's face looked slightly confused, "Oh I grew up in Guilford."

"No way- I live there now. I like it a lot." Lando said. "I used to share a flat but I've just moved as well... Next time you're there you should come to visit."

A Night To Remember - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now