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They both woke up to the daunting sound of the alarms reminding them of the day ahead. As much as they both wanted to stay in bed for as long as possible Jas had to make her way to her 9 am lecture and Lando had press commitments all day as well as free practice. They both reluctantly got up and made their way downstairs to grab something to eat, Jas rushed off realising she needed to pick up her laptop from hers before she got to oxford.

"Good luck today!" Jas wished him while grabbing a slice of toast.

"You too, I try to get there tonight. I don't really know why my parents are also going but there we go" He joked. She scrambled to grab her stuff and left.

"It's kind and I need all the moral support I can get," Jas laughed to herself.

She had just about made it to her lecture on time in which she saw Ella, who was already there with all of her notes out.

"Soooo are you excited for tonight?" Ella asked.

"Yeah, I guess. I'm just worried I'll mess up" Jas said trying to divert the conversation, she just felt as if she needed to practice.

"I've never heard you play but I'm excited and for a professor to invite you... well, you must be special," Ella reassured Jas.

"Thanks, part of me is slightly excited, I just can't wait for the adrenaline rush," Jas said.

Soon after she departed Ella and headed for any piano she could find on campus. Jas found herself religiously practicing and beating herself up about it if she slipped on a note or messed up so she thought it would be best if she took a break and went back home. On her way, she managed to catch up on FP1 and FP2 which were never really that exciting, but it gave her something to look at, also Jack hadn't done too bad in qualifying.

She had got herself ready in the evening feeling completely apprehensive and nervous- she was all in black. Sleek and classy. She wore these black wide-leg trousers as well as a smart top with her hair pulled out of her face with a few pieces framing her face. She made her way to the concert hall, which was reasonably near the Silverstone track but there was reasonably heavy traffic. She had met the professor and all the other musicians that were lined up.

She looked down and saw her hands beginning to shake, which scared her. She found herself counting to ten and back repetitively, this was her first time performing in months but part of her longed to be out there in front of everyone. The adrenaline was pumping through her.

She stepped out onto the stage; the shiny black Steinway almost called her name. Jas hardly looked out into the audience and found herself running towards the piano, the music was set out and she took a moment to breathe before her fingers hit the keys and she began to play. Soon enough she found herself forgetting she was performing; it was just her in the hall.

She was completely engrossed in her playing, this piece reminded her of how much she loved playing taking her back to her audition and playing it for Nate. Whenever he could he loved just sitting and listening, it gave him peace in his hectic life. She had felt at home with the piano; Jas was completely and utterly absorbed, alone in the room. Unfortunately, the piece drew to an end and she tried to make the moment last forever. She looked out into the audience and spotted Ella and Jack as Lando's parents this made her feel warm inside seeing everyone supporting her. And Breathe. Jas bowed ad made her way off stage, she took a moment to herself as she left and just stood feeling immensely proud of herself.

The concert ended soon after and she emerged from behind the stage trying to find Ella and Jack.

"You guys both came?" Jas said surprised, "Jack I didn't even think I had mentioned it."

A Night To Remember - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now