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Jas woke up reasonably late the next day, she needed the sleep. She grabbed her phone and saw a message from Lando- he was apologising.

Lando: I'm sorry about yesterday, I'll make it up to you soon :)

She decided to ignore it for the moment she needed to concentrate on getting her assignment up on time after this task was done, she decided to take a shower and start her day properly.

Once she had gotten ready Jas went down to the kitchen to get some food and there she was greeted by her parents:

"Jas we're going out on the boat today, in about 15" Her mum had a cold way of inviting Jas but she nodded and grabbed her book and sunglasses before they walked down to the harbour.

Maybe this is what I need? A complete day to relax after the Grand Prix. They got onto the boat and Jas found a lovely spot up top in the sun where she could read, they sailed out and the real world felt as if it no longer existed. She enjoyed this quality of the sea; it completely takes you out of reality, Jas also had no phone signal. She managed to finish her book and fell asleep. The sound of the waves were just so relaxing, some days it can be quite choppy but today was perfect.

They got back a few hours later and Jas decided to catch a last-minute flight home, Ella had texted her that they had a lecture tomorrow. Jas did eventually replied to Lando, remembering last minute.

Jas: Sorry I've been out all day, but you don't need to apologise. I hope you're feeling better :) x

She rushed home and said goodbye to her parents, she didn't know when she would see them again. Jas was quite annoyed she had enjoyed Monaco and forgot how much she missed it, it almost felt like a second home to her. On the flight, Jas managed to get part of an essay done and she read up on a case, the flight wasn't that long in the slightest and before she knew it, she had landed at Heathrow. She did want to stay there almost like a holiday but these surprise lectures are not something Jas would want to be behind on.

Jas ordered dinner and kept on cracking on with her work, she knew tonight was going to be a while.


Jas had just about made it to her lecture, which was no surprise to Ella, and it ended up being a lot shorter than she expected. However, as Jas was leaving the professor called her over for a chat.

"Jas, is everything ok?" He asked politely.

"Yes, well I think so!" Jas replied, slightly confused.

"Your assignments are usually late and well you don't seem like you're ever interested in any of the content?"

Jas's heart sunk, she didn't want to hear this: "Yes sorry I've just been falling a bit behind, it's ok I can catch up".

"But are you sure law is for you?"

"Yes, yes I do like it," Jas said with an almost slight sarcastic tone. He let her go feeling unsatisfied with her responses. Jas just headed straight for the library she knew she needed to catch up and get to a decent place by the end of this week.

She ended up leaving the library late at night, around 9 and began to make her way home. She couldn't fathom doing any more work once she got home and just wanted to relax. She got in the front door and saw the Tv was one, Jack was home already?

"Hey, Jas, how was uni today?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, no good thank you, I didn't expect to see you home this soon," Jas said.

"Lovely to see you too" He got up and welcomed her, he had made two portions for dinner. This was a heavenly sight as she didn't have the energy to make anything herself.

A Night To Remember - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now