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"Jas that's sick, he'll love it," Jack said as Jas began to explain the elaborate plan of surprising him. "Although definitely do it on Saturday night, you'll throw off his race otherwise, especially if he sees you around,"

"So, by surprising him Saturday I'll not throw him off?" Jas questioned; she thought the opposite to let him focus all weekend.

"He's probably moping around- that's what I've heard at least." He spoke.

"Moping around, it's that not- "

"Jas, he thinks you hate him, and he is realising how much he misses you. Not answering his texts doesn't help." Jack said, frankly.

"I know you're right; I'm flying out Thursday just... because," Jas said shrugging her shoulders.

"He doesn't know what to do, he feels utterly helpless, you've forgiven him, but he doesn't even know that yet," Jack said. "He feels shit, this only shows how much you mean to him,"

"I know, sorry. You don't understand how badly I want to see him, I've missed him so much," Jas said realising how tough it must be for him at the moment. "I'll see you later, dinner is on me tonight," Jas said etching a smile to lighten the mood. She had never seen Jack become so annoyed towards her, although he liked the plan it was cruel to keep Lando in the dark for so long especially when Jas knew what had actually happened.

"You're too kind- bye," Jack said as he began to start his run.


She found herself flying out to Germany on the Thursday for once Jack was the one giving her a lift not him as there was no F2 race this weekend. The Grand Prix was in Hockenheim, which for once was not in the middle of nowhere and was near a town Jas was able to explore however, she flew out to Frankfurt for the day so she could explore around there as well. Jas went and visited the Palmengarten, which housed these incredible greenhouses full of plants and wildlife. The rose garden was in full bloom and just looked incredible. Jas then went to a local village with the medieval house 'Römer' and it was a beautiful vivid pink. Jas felt a certain level of privilege being able to do this- just flying out and traveling by herself, which she enjoyed though a part of her did want to share it.

In the evening she had found a quaint local restaurant where she treated herself to some dinner and a glass of wine, all she wanted to do at this exact moment was to call him and just tell him exactly what she was doing- how she missed him. Jas stayed the night in Frankfurt before traveling out to Hockenheim the next morning. Fridays were usually not that exciting for Jas, so she delayed her journey to the paddock, she only ended up going in for Free practice- it was uneventful, and Jas ended up going to the Williams garage on the hunt for George.

"Jas- I didn't expect to see you?" George said surprised.

"Yeah, I flew in a few days early, I like Germany," Jas said slightly reserved.

"Still all good for tomorrow?" George said going into fist bump Jas.

"Of course," She replied, "Oh and I don't think he's seen me yet,"

"That's always good when you're surprising someone," George said sarcastically.

"Good one, I am trying to be invisible here," Jas said before leaving to spend another evening by herself in a restaurant with a glass of wine as her companion- which soon turned into four glasses of wine. Jas was stumbling back to her hotel, she had to be discreet as it was the same one as some of the drivers. Although, this was not the case, and she couldn't quite manage to not walk or stand up straight. Jas you're such a lightweight, she muttered to herself.

"Jasmine? Is that you?" A voice said, she had hoped that if she stayed still this person would ignore her and carry on walking- this was not the case. She turned around.

"Carlos... So lovely to see you." Jas said hoping she could dive into her hotel room.

"Are you here to see Lando, he's just upstairs in his room I think- hibernating." Carlos joked.

"Oh no, no I'm here by myself," Jas said trailing off.

"Have you... wait don't tell me. Is this why Lando's been so off, you guys still haven't spoken since- "

"Yes, since Silverstone" Jas interrupted.

"Jas, please talk to him, he's a shell of himself" Carlos begged.

"Carlos, right. I'm letting you into the worst kept secret, I'm actually here to surprise him." Jas said, knowing she'd regret this. "Tomorrow night, so he doesn't actually know I'm here. In Germany,"

"Oh, that's good. I was getting worried about you two, you don't realise how much you mean to him- you know he's convinced he's lost you forever." Carlos said.

"Really, I can't wait to see him. Well, I need to hear what he has to say but I just want to see him." Jas said as she slightly slurred her words.

"I'm sure Lando will tell me about it, I won't tell him don't worry," Carlos said as he began to lead her towards the lift. "Which room are you; I have a feeling you won't make it back by yourself."

"Alright Carlos, and I think I'm 158," Jas said. Carlos guided her to her door and made sure she got in all ok, she looked as though she was ready to pass out.

"If I see you at qualifying, it'll be a miracle. Did you go out with any friends tonight?" Carlos joked.

"Oh no, just myself and I might surprise you tomorrow, I will make it there," Jas said as Carlos began to leave.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow," Carlos said.

"Thank you! And good night."

"Night Jasmine," He said smirking to himself.


Jas made her way to the track the next day although she had only just made it for qualifying as she wanted to avoid attention when entering the paddock just in case, she ran into him. Jas found herself hiding out in the Williams garage through qualifying, Jas got to see George soon after as he rarely made it to Q2. Jas didn't really look at the results for qualifying but instead moved her focus to finding George.

"Congrats- you're keeping that clean sweep beating your teammate," Jas said smiling.

"I am, it's about the only stat in my favour," George said smiling.

"You're doing the best you can," Jas said.

"Thank you,"

"Oh and I saw Carlos last night," Jas said.

"Jas, mate because. Has he told him?" George asked slightly annoyed.

"Well, I don't think he has- well I can't remember I wasn't quite all with it," Jas said feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Jas, if I'm honest there seems to be a reoccurring theme when things go wrong."

"George or are you now my mother?" Jas said sarcastically.

"Jas, I'm just saying maybe- I don't know... I need to do some interviews, but I'll see you later." George said while grabbing his water and passing a bottle to Jas.

"See you tonight," Jas said as she made her way to somewhere that she could sit and watch the track- somewhere peaceful, but her mind was fixed on what George had implied, Was it really that bad? Had everything that had happened been heightened through drinking? "shit" Jas saw tears forming in her eyes and she left for the bathroom- she knew it was nothing bad but just something she had to stop using as a safety blanket when she felt low or lonely. She felt as if it did stem back to Nate, his death, and the drivers in the other car. In court they had hardly any recollection- alcohol saved them from bearing the memory of seeing Nate die. Jas saw herself becoming like them.

Jas left, it all got too much. All the cars everywhere so instead, they just made everything worse- she couldn't breathe. She made her way back towards the hotel and even as soon as she was out from the barriers she felt as if she could breathe again. The one person she wanted to talk to she couldn't, he even thinks she hates him. Jas scoffed at her thoughts- it had all been too much and she needed rest before this evening.

A Night To Remember - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now