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Lando had woken up with the sun as the curtains weren't properly closed last night, he looked across and saw Jas' face, she looked so peaceful in her sleep. There was a piece of hair in front of her face, he moved his hand and tucked it behind her ear, subsequently waking her up. She looked up at Lando,

"Oh hi...Did you sleep well?" she asked.

"Yeah brilliantly, did you?" He said feeling refreshed, she nodded and agreed. For once she genuinely could say she slept well, which was a surprise. They both laid around for a while longer not wanting to leave each other's company. Jas knew she'd have to get up soon as she had to check out by 10, and so did Lando. They both finally got up Jas showered and got dressed when she left the bathroom Lando looked up at her.

"Shit I have to be checked out in ten minutes" Lando realised.

"Go, go sort your stuff out don't worry," Jas said with a sad tone not wanting Lando to leave, "Please text me though", a smile grew on Lando's face, he didn't want to go but he knew he needed to get his stuff together and he had a train to catch.

"Thank you, Jas, you made my evening a lot more exciting" Lando said walking towards her door, he gave her a hug but found himself not wanting to let go. "Oh, and Happy birthday, of course, I'll have to properly celebrate with you another time?" Lando asked hoping he'd be able to see her again. Jas's face lit up, he wanted to see her again.

"I'd love to," Jas said as she nodded.

"Maybe I'll be able to play you a song by then," He joked.

"Please do," Jas said beginning to chuckle, "Maybe compose something of your own?"

"If you're lucky enough," Lando said as he began to walk down the hallway smiling and walking backward, no wanting to look away from Jas.


Jas and Jack sat on the riverbank, the weather was bright, but the cold was bitter. The food was all Australian themes, they both agreed it was delicious. They were discussing lasts night's events, of which Jack couldn't remember much of however for some reason Jas could remember it as it had just happened. Jack had his interrogation face on, and Jas saw it all coming.

"So Jas, How was Lando last night?" he asked while raising his eyebrows.

"It was good, I don't know felt quite surreal." She replied last night felt like a dream to her. Jack chuckled to himself he could see her face light up when he said his name.

"' Surreal' You seemed quite smitten." Jack teased.

"Alright don't over exaggerate... you probably saw me for about 2 minutes with him, and I wasn't even 'with him'" Jas joked.

"I know, I know. You did seem quite happy though, to say the least." Jack said while finishing his food, the waiter soon came over. "Jas it's my treat, I've got this."

"Thank you," Jas said as he paid for their food. They took a nice walk along the river as they went back towards Paddington station. Jack saw Jas looking at her phone every so often as if she was checking to wait for news.

"Jas, are you ok? You keep on checking your phone, like all the time".

"Yeah, I don't know. I thought Lando would text by now but it's alright." Jas replied looking disappointed.

"You never know, he's probably asleep or something."

"Asleep," Jas burst into laughter, "That was the best excuse you could come up with,"

"Hey, you never know," Jack said in defense.

"You do never know, but that was poor from you,"

Jack pressed his lips into a thin line, he had a feeling this would be the case. The two-hour journey back home was filled with naps, both of them floating in and out of consciousness. This was quite dangerous as they nearly missed their stop if Jack didn't wake up. They both launched themselves onto their sofa as soon as they got it, tired from the night before.


Later in the evening before Jas woke up, Jack ran out and got a cake for Jas he knew it wasn't much, but he had felt guilty and as if her birthday didn't feel special enough. As Jas woke up, he started singing and walking towards Jas, although this quickly descended into laughter as Jack wasn't the best singer.

"Come on Jack, hit the note," She teased.

"I'm so sorry I sound like a dying cat,"

She had almost forgotten it was her birthday, but she thanked Jack for all of the efforts he put in today, it really meant a lot.

"Hey jack, Thank you for everything. Not just today but over the last couple of months. You mean the world to me".

"Jas stop, you're my closest friend there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you", they both smiled and hugged feeling so at home in each other's company. She didn't know what she would do without him around.

"You know what I'm going to collect my keyboard, well when I see my parents. They're not coming back until the end of March so" Jas said as Jack's face lit up, he could see how starved she was off playing and how it was about time she played her keyboard.

"Sorry, is the Jas I know in there?" He said surprised.

"It is a slight 180 from me a few weeks ago," Jas said as Jack looked incredibly shocked, "Oh yeah- last night I found this beautiful piano and I started playing and- "

"You started playing a random piano last night in the hotel,"

"Yes, and it was incredible," Jas said.

"You're going to have to give me a concert with your keyboard," Jack insisted.

"Hold on there, I didn't agree to this," Jas said joking, her birthday was perfect to her. It wasn't what she had expected in the slightest. Jack often felt bad for Jas though, her parents were hardly here, they had missed her birthday several years in a row.

Jas was getting ready for bed, she and Jack had stayed up and watched her favourite film. She was so happy, and all of her worries left her mind. 

A Night To Remember - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now