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Jas had to get up early for a 9 am lecture on Tuesday, a few weeks had passed since the awards. It was painful leaving the comfort of her warm covers so early, but she hardly had a choice and it was getting warmer as it was the end of March now. The lecture dragged on; she just didn't want to be there any longer.

"Do you think I will catch in the library today?" Ella asked.

"I can't today I've got to go back home, it's a decent drive and I don't want to leave it too late," Jas said.

"Lucky you!" Ella said sarcastically.

"The library or my parents' house- I'm spoilt for choice really," Jas said. They began to get up and leave class Jas hurrying slightly, "My train leaves in ten"

"Go get running, I'll keep you updated on everything I get up to," Ella said as Jas began to walk away. Jas just got her train and left pretty soon after to drive back to her parents, she ended up getting there at around half two. Her parents both opened the door with beaming smiles.

"Jas! Happy Birthday, how was London?" Julia asked.

"Yeah it was good mum, Jack really enjoyed the awards," Jas said as she could see her parents looking to see If Jack had come along with her. They made their way to a good walking spot where they went on a long walk talking about Jas's course at university, how well she was doing. Then her parents got out an envelope from their bag, she could feel this was her present.

"Jas here you go, we hope you like it," Julia said with a beaming smile.

"Oh wow, tickets to the Barcelona GP and two-night stay at a 5-star hotel, thanks guys"

"We had a feeling you probably couldn't go to too many of the far races with us, but this one soon, we know you come with us a lot, but we thought we'd treat you with the hotel and spa"

Jas was genuinely surprised at the thought behind the hotel and spa, although they always went to grand Prix's sort of together, so she just assumed they'd be going to Barcelona, she liked the thought they had put in to make the weekend special.

"We know you like to do your own thing at the races but we just thought we would treat you."

"Thank you, I love it and you know I'll definitely use it," Jas said embracing them, her parents had felt cold and distant in recent months but she could see this as a slight peace offering.

"We'll just pop in here to get some hot drinks, what do you want?" Her mum asked.

"Tea please," Jas said smiling, the wind was a bit bitter. Jas found a bench nearby to sit and wait as the queue was almost out the door. Then out of nowhere a voice shouted at her:

"Jas is that you?"

Jas turned around begging for it not to be a random primary school friend, who she hadn't seen in years. It was Lando...

"Lando, hey how are you?"

"Yeah, I'm good Jas. What brings you to Guilford?" Lando asked

"Oh, I'm visiting my parents.". Lando was surprised he thought she lived near the Williams factory due to Jack's commitments most of the year there.

"Did you not have any lectures today then?"

"Oh yeah, they were extremely painful," Jas said laughing. "So what have you been to?"

"Urm well, not too much- training mainly." Lando said suddenly feeling guilty, "Jas I have a confession..." Her face perked up at him, "I wanted to text you, but I don't actually have your number". Jas stood there in shock she had sworn she gave it to him, and it clicked why had never texted her.

"Oh shit, don't worry. I did wonder why you didn't text back,"

"Is there any chance I can get it now?" He said shyly. He passed her his phone, and she wrote it in while laughing.

"Thank you, I promise I'll actually text you this time," Lando said looking down, "So how was your birthday?"

"Not too bad, I ended up sleeping for most of it,"

"Oh yeah, I was so tired and hungover," Lando said.

They ended up talking for ages, Unfortunately, Jon (his trainer) came back from finding them somewhere to fill up their water, he was shocked to see Lando talking to someone. As Jon approached Lando introduced her:

"Oh Jon, this is Jas" Lando said.

"Oh Jas, you two met at the awards at the weekend right. Well, that's what you've told me at least" Jon said. Lando felt the heat rise to his cheeks,

"Yes, I may have mentioned it," Lando replied. Jas could tell that Lando had told Jon about their evening he looked embarrassed.

"Well, Lando we need to get going, nice to meet you Jas. I'll see you around" Jon said as they both got back on their bike.

"Bye Jas, I'll text you," Lando said as he smiled, Jas wished him luck for the upcoming Grand Prix that week in Bahrain; they both rode away as Jas's parents returned with hot drinks. They looked at Jas curious of who those bikers were, but Jas just brushed it off, she did not want to tell them yet about Lando.


Jas drove home in the evening ready to tell Jack all about it. It dawned on her he wouldn't be home; he was in Spain where his team was based, preparing for the weekend ahead in Shakir. She had been checking up on him, but he often took a while to reply, he was just constantly busy. To her delight while she was having dinner her phone lit up with a text...

Unknown Number: Hey it's Lando, sorry this text is over a month late

Jas: it's okay, well it's kind of hard to text without a number :)

Before Jas could keep on eating, Lando was face-timing her. She answered without even thinking:

"Hey, I felt like we didn't finish talking earlier. Are you busy?" Lando asked

"Nah I'm just having dinner, all alone so it nice to have someone to speak to" she replied.

Jas answered his facetime, "I may also be having dinner- well cooking it," Lando said, he got out all of these microwavable vegetables.

"It doesn't look like you'll be doing much cooking," Jas said laughing at him working his microwave.

"Well I have to cook the chicken and if I don't do that right... I could die,"

"Don't be too overdramatic Lando," she said sarcastically.

Jas was glad he called and she enjoyed every moment they ended up speaking for about two hours, he tried to cook Fajitas but Jas realised he wasn't exactly a natural cook. It was hilarious. She didn't want to stop talking but her essay was staring at her and she knew she had to finish it before tomorrow.

"I've got to head off- I've got this huge essay to write," Jas said.

"that's ok, thanks for answering, do you want to meet up soon?" He asked.

"Of course, I'd love to"

"Perfect," He said happily, "I'll let you get on with your work, text me when you finish it... even if that's at 2 am." Jas let out a small laugh,

"You say that but I think it might actually be," Jas said starting to get her books out, "Night"

"Night" Lando said before Jas ended the call, she felt butterflies in her stomach. She could hardly believe that had just happened. She spent the rest of the night slaving away at her essay and research finally finishing at half twelve, which was early in Jas's world.

2:05 am

Jas: I've finished. Hallelujah

Lando: well done, I'm proud.

Jas: It took blood sweat and tears I can assure you

Lando: You're a true athlete, I'm off to bed sleep well Jas :)

Jas: You too ;) 

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