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Lucy's P.O.V:

Pain. It's all I feel. The pain of a heart shattering into a billion pieces. It's as if someone ripped out my heart. As if someone stabbed me and drained all my blood along with my will to live. As if my heart was pitch black and cold; as cold as the wind blowing past my face.

My tears rolled down my pale cheeks as I overlooked the cliff I was standing on. Heavy rain was falling, soaking me to the bone.

"What's the point of love if you'll just get hurt in the end. If so, I don't want to love ever again if it'll cause me nothing but pain," I mumbled to myself.

"I wonder how all this happened. Oh that's right - it started with a simple 'I do,'" I said, slightly amused as a sad smile formed on my chapped lips.

Flashback- (Normal P.O.V):

Sting and Lucy, were about to enjoy a picnic by the ocean. Sting's heart pounded like hammers on a wall, while Lucy skipped happily towards their destination. Her carefree smile was as bright as the sun setting over the horizon.

After they watched the sun set, the sky darken to a vibrant pink. Sting suddenly dropped onto one knee. Lucy was startled by his gesture.

"Gosh Sting, are you okay? You didn't hurt yourself again, did you?"

Sting shook his head.

"Then, why are you on the ground?" Lucy asked, eyebrows furrowing together.

He answered her question by pulling out a red, velvet box. The girl's eyes widen as a wave of realization hit her in the head. Her cheek turned a furious red color. 'He just has to tie his shoelaces. Yep, that's all. I'm probably over thinking this situation.'

"Lucy..." Sting looked passionately into her chocolate brown orbs as he opened the box to reveal a gleaming diamond ring. It sparkled brilliantly in the light of the setting sun. Lucy gasped like an innocent little girl.

He took a deep breath as he continued, "Blondie - er I mean Lucy, every since the moment you left Fairy Tail, became the 'Queen of Dragons', joined Sabertooth, and met me, all I could do was think about you (based on ALMOST ALL the fanfics)The first thing I think about is you, the last thing I think about is you, while I'm awake the only thing I could think about is you, and heck I even dream about you. But the moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew that you were the one. The one I'm suppose to spend eternity with. You are the substance on which my light clings onto. Your light is brighter than my light. Lucy Heartfillia, will you do the honor in being my one and only wife. Will you, Lucy Heartfillia, marry me?" he said with a desperate look in his eyes.

Lucy lowered her gaze towards the sand. Her bangs covered eyes. A dark shadow crept across her face. She whispered, "After 3 years of waiting, you finally ask me to marry you?"

"Um... So is that a yes?" Sting ask nervously.

Tears fell from her eyes as she lifted her head. "BAKA!!!! It's a yes!!" She jumped onto him, and they fell onto the warm sand. Happiness swelled in her chest. 'I've been waiting so long for this."


The two new couple stood in front of the priest. They gazed lovingly into each other's eyes as they said their "I do's." Wedding rings were exchanged. A wedding cake was cut and served to their few guests. It wasn't the least bit glamorous, but it was the wedding of her dreams. Sting and Lucy moved to their new home in a grand castle. And all was swell. Love was in the air, and nothing could shoot it down - right?

Soon, a month had passed since their marriage ceremony. And that was when everything went wrong.

It was a rainy day. Lucy hurriedly ran home with her newly purchased bag of groceries. Lightning flashed in the sky. 'I hate this weather.' By the time she reached her front door, the girl was soaked by the rain. As she unlocked the door to their castle, a horrid sight filled her vision -

Sting kissing one of her best friends, Yukino. Everything happened so fast. The bag of groceries fell onto the ground with a thud. Thunder boomed. Lightning flashed, illuminating the hurt look in Lucy's eyes. At that moment, misunderstanding or not, her heart shattered. Without another thought, she ran out the door to who-knows-where with tears running down her cheeks.

End of flashback:

The memories just add more reasons to why she wanted to die. It was the betrayal that hurt the most. Thinking back to the good days, she saw how innocent she was. But life never goes easy on an innocent, little girl.

She breathed a heavy sigh. 'Well, this is it.' Lucy took a step forward towards the edge of the cliff. Then another step. The wind blew her hair out of her face. She saw clearly what was in front of her and what she was about to do. But she had no regrets.

Lucy jumped.

Suddenly, a familiar hand grabbed her by the waist.

"Lucy please, please don't die. There are still people who love you. So please don't leave." begged a familiar voice.

Lucy gasped, "What are you doing here-"


HI AGAIN MINNA!!! See I told you guys imma make a new book!! So any way bye!

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