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Third P.O.V:

(AN: yet again don't judge i LOVE this song.)

Rouge and I both gasped as we turned to the person on the top of the staircase. "So Rouge. What are you doing with my wife." Sting asked casually as he slowly descended down the staircase with every step he took, it made a deafening echo.

"What am I doing you say. WHAT AM I DOING TO YOUR WIFE! YOUR THE PERSON THAT BETRAYED HER IN THE FIRST PLACE! I WAS SIMPLY CONFRONTING HER ABOUT YOUR STUPID. LITTLE. ACTIONS!" Rouge yelled somehow losing his tight grip on his anger so quickly in the battle.

SLAP. Sting struck his best friend heavily across the face while he gritted his teeth together.

"What do you mean I betrayed my own wife?" Sting asked confused.

"Please, don't act innocent. Lucy saw you kiss Yukino on the lips the earlier. Heck she told me her self. Heck she almost committed su-" Rouge said angrily before he was interrupted by Lucy.

"Rouge, I thought you promised not to tell anybody about that." Lucy said sternly.

"Okay, okay I won't Lucy. Just promise to stay out of this." Rouge said calmly.

"Fine, it's a deal." Lucy said hesitantly.

"What she saw wasn't exactly what happened. You see I was thanking Yukino. It is almost our 1st year anniversary together, and I needed advice form her." Sting said as he calmly as he scratched the back of his head.

"BAKA!!! What does that have to do with your lips on her lips." Rouge said obviously pissed.

"Well, you see I didn't have a way to-" Sting tried to continue his sentence but was suddenly sent flying out the doors of the castle by a familiar 'showdown dragon's roar'.

Rouge followed pursuit outside along with Lucy. Sting automatically rose from the broken tree he crashed into as he looked seriously pissed off.

"That's it. LIGHT DRAGON'S HOLY BEAM!!(A.N: Is that right?)" Sting yelled as a beam of light erupted and hit Rouge square in the chest.

"Lucy, remember, you promised not to interfere," Rouge said as he notice Lucy running up to them. He slightly shifted his weight to his right foot, so he can dodge quicker due to his injury. He groaned in pain.

"Shadow dragon's secret art (AN: SOMETHING SORRY guys don't know what the second part is.)" Rouge said as he aimed it to the right knowing Sting would dodge to the right. He was right, his attacked went straight through his leg.

"It's time to end this Rouge!" Sting shouted infuriated.

"Hmph, your right Sting." Rouge said emotionless.

HOLY DRAGON'S-" both said as their checks got bigger as they suck in their specific element.

"ROAR!!!" Both shouted at the same time as their attacks powerfully clashed together. When they clashed the wind circled all around them and all Lucy saw was light and dark as they struggle to contrast each other and win.

When the attack was over, Lucy gasped, "No way, -"

Hi again minna!!!! SORRY guys for not updating yesterday wattpad was being biatch. I seriously LOVE writing cliffhangers. I know I know I'm SOOOOO evil.
。・°°・(=゚ω゚)・°°・<--- evil face.

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