Another Chance

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Lucy's P.O.V:

My eyes widen once I say the man that broke my entire being's best friend holding me from the waist His eyes held so much emotions that I could not read. Yes, the guy that saved me was none other than.....
Rouge Cheney. 

As he wiped my tears away, I asked bitterly, " Why, why did you save me. I'm not worth saving. My magic may be powerful, but I am still the same weak girl who ALWAYS needed saving from Fairy Tail. Why didn't you let me die there. Don't you want me to be free from the sorrows that my past had brought me?" 

Rouge slapped me in the face. 

In that moment, heavy rain began falling from the dark and gloomy sky. It created pitter patter sounds that seemed to make everything quieter than it already was. The loud slap echo through the lonely valleys. Tears stung my eyes. I stood there frozen from shock of the slap and the painful reality. With a trembling hand, I to touch my stinging cheek. 

The pain was real. I was still alive. 'Why...'

"Lucy, you really are an idiot. Can't you just open your eyes? There are people who still care about you. You have to live for them. Can't you just...... just give life another chance?" Rouge begged as he embraced me in a tight hug as if he never wanted to let go - not for the world. As if I would attempt to jump once more if he let go of me. "Lucy please just live - for me." he begged.


Hi minna!!!! See I updated Cookies_anime_bands . Any way I need help deciding if this gonna be a Sticy, Rolu, or a Nalu. So any way see you next time minna!!!


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