Nalu - Thinking of You

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Lucy's POV

Hm, wait a minute. Is there some kind of pattern I'm supposed to be noticing? First Sting and then Rouge. Oh no, don't tell me Natsu is ne-

The next thing I know, I see images flash through my head. The blurs of images stop on the celebration Fairy Tail held after we got our old guild back.

Normal POV:

Lucy walked over to Natsu whom was sitting on the edge of the cliff watching the sunset. It was as if he was thinking; but of course, that was surely impossible. I mean come on Natsu as in the Natsu Dragneel thinking. As in the Salamander. Surely that was impossible right? Worried, Lucy rushed over to his side. "Hey, what's wrong?" She asked as she sat down besides him. "Nothing, just thinking" Natsu sighed looking upwards as he leaned back on his arms.

Lucy tried to stifle a laugh before bursting into laughter. Natsu shot off the ground and shot her a worried glance. "H-hey Luce, what's w-wrong?" After calming down, she said while wiping away her imaginary tears, "It's nothing, I just thought there would never be a day in which you of all people would actually think about things." Natsu replied with an annoyed look, " For your information, I always think about things!" Lucy scoffed," Prove it. Give me one example in which you actually thought things through."

"Um, well there was this one time when uh... YOU KNOW WHAT! I give up." Natsu said while crossing his arms disappointment evident in his eyes. Lucy giggled," So anyways, is something bothering you?"

"It's nothin'."

"Come on Natsu, I'm your best friend, you can tell me anything."

Natsu sighed in defeat," Well remeber how future you died?"


" Well I can't help but feel like I broke our promise. I promised to protect you, and look what I did, the future you ended up dying. When I saw her die right in front of me, I felt as if a piece of me was destroyed. I just can't see a future without you in it. Luce, what I'm trying to say is that I lo-" Natsu was quickly interrupted by a chair that crashed through the door, which by the way, broke in half due to the collision. The chair immediately ricocheted off his face. " Oi!! Ice stripper, I'm going to kill you! I was trying to tell Luce somethin'. " He said standing up, fists raised.

Gray came out looking equally pissed. "Whad'ya call me Flame Brain!" Both of the idiots pushed their heads against one another's while shouting insults at each other. Lucy was quickly forgotten in the background as she smiled at the twinkling stars up above that just appeared. 'This, this feeling...'

Lucy's POV:

After that scene, it was pitch black yet again. I was all alone yet again. Sigh. I never really got to know what Natsu was going to say that night. Well I better figure a way o- My thoughts were cut short as I hear a sinister chuckle.

"So, Lucy. Who are you going to chose." The mysterious voice said. My eyes widen as I realized that I knew this voice. " SHOW YOURSELF I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!" A man appeared with two other people. They were none other than...


Bwahaha gways I is bwack from da dead!!! I'm sorry idk what's wrong with me, anyway hiya minna COOKIE IS BACK!!!! Sorry if I've been "unactive" on Wattpad lately. Cuz reasons.

So Rolu was written by Theeny cuz I was being lazy af so I wrote this Nalu chap as you can tell. It must have been obvious since well if you guys know me well enough, you guys must know that I love leaving cliffhangers. However, I do not reading cliffhangers myself. Any way you guys should look forward to the next chap.

This story may be ending soon! Cookie shall leave a little surprise for all you lovely readers at the end. Of course the ending depends on who you choose to be with none other than Lucy Heartfillia herself!!! So continue on voting for the ships you want to become canon. Also please continue to show your support!!! Bye guys love ya all!!

Theeny's corner or well um whatever:

Hi peeps! Like Cookie said, keep reading and voting for your ships. Love problems is almost coming to an end, so please keep reading to find out the ending!! Cya in the next chap!

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