What's This Feeling?

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Rogue's P.O.V.:

Lucy hadn't been the same since Sting's death. In fact, nothing had been the same after that dreadful incident. Nowadays, Lucy spends her free time staring out into the vast sky, probably hoping to get another glimpse of Sting's ghost. As far as I could tell, she saw nothing but birds and clouds passing by. 'Lucy...'

On the up side, she took good care of herself just like Sting wanted her to do. And for the past three weeks, Lucy, Nastu, Happy, and I have been discussing some ways to track down Zeref - the evil Mage who started this whole tragedy. We weren't too successful on our task, but Lucy was even more determined to find Zeref than she was to kill Lissana. 'If Lucy's not giving up, then I'm not either.'

Lucy's P.O.V:

It's been weeks since Sting's death, and we've still been trying to gather at hints of Zeref's whereabouts. I sighed out of frustration as I glanced through the window. 'Zeref you better get ready. When I find you, you might as well plan your funeral. Sting I promise you, I will start to get along with Fairy Tail' I sighed as I slowly stood from my seat. "Well I guess I might as well start now." I mumbled.

Third P.O.V:

As Lucy slowly walked through the guild library doors, Fairy Tail and Sabertooth turned their heads towards the dragon queen. Wide eyed, they all stampeded towards Lucy who suddenly looked prettified at the sight of hundreds of guild members leaping in the air to hug the beloved queen.

"C-can't br-breathe.", Was heard from the ocean of apologizes from the bottoms of the dog pile.

People immediately jumped off of her, but the only people remaining were clinging onto Lucy's arms as if their life depended on it were the one and only Rouge Cheney and Natsu Dragneel.

Lucy suddenly got pissed and slapped the back of their heads creating a big bump.

Natsu jumped off the floor and glared at Rouge whom was glaring back at him and dusting himself as he stood up.

"Hey Luce!!! I'm so sorry about what happened and what I did to you. Do you think, maybe, um we could you know... hang out?"

"Natsu... I told you a million times that I forgive you, but now is not the time to hang out. What we need to do, is to track down Zeref."

At the sound of this, the other guild members cringed in fear. A couple of them yelled "Why would you want to find Zeref?" And "That's insane." Or "You're insane!"

"I don't care what any of you think, but I must avenge Sting's death. You're either with me or you're not," Lucy replied fiercely. She changed.

A gentle hand settled onto her shoulder. She turned only to meet the crimson red eyes of Rouge. "Lucy, we're in this together, but don't you think you're taking this matter too far? Don't let your life revolve around 'revenge.' It's not worth it."

Things all happened too quickly. One moment, there was happiness, the next there was anger - like life.

"IF YOU DON'T WANT TO HELP ME THEN LEAVE!" She screamed at Rouge. Her blood pressure rising all too fast. She expected Rouge to leave, but he remained standing next to her, protecting her, without a word. "I'm sorry - I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay, Lucy," Rogue replied.

Once things settled down again, Lucy, along with the guilds, began discussing a plan to track down Zeref. It took about three whole hours, but they finally did it! It was not an easy plan, and they really had no idea where he was, but it was still worth a shot.

Natsu's P.O.V.:

It was unnerving to watch Lucy and Rogue get along so well. With Happy flying around my head, I felt more annoyed than ever. So when Lucy and Rogue went to prepare for their journey to Zeref tomorrow, I slumped down at a table. Mira came over minutes later, asking if I was alright. Being the usual cheerful person I was, I didn't want to make her worry. But the jealousy was killing me. 'Wait - jealousy? Why am I jealous? Ha ha ha... I'm so weird.'

I laughed out loud nervously. 'Jeez, Natsu, can't you see how important this is to Lucy? And here you are having these selfish thoughts. What's wrong with me?' Stepping away from the table as Happy flew towards me, I decided that it'd be better for me to go home for the night.


The next morning, Lucy, Rogue, Happy, and I met up at the edge of the forest. Overnight, the two of them had created this "Zeref locater." It was supposed to find the primary source of black magic in Fiore and take them there. The device looked and worked like a compass, it pointed North first, then south, and then north again during the first hour of their journey. 'Tch, does that thing really work?' I didn't want to voice my opinions out loud because I didn't want to make Lucy feel bad.

We did not talk much when we walked. Silence clawed at my ears. 'Aaaah.' After a couple more hours of walking, we stopped to rest. The sun was already beginning to set when our group settled down into a nearby cave. Rogue volunteered to go hunting for food. Since I didn't think Lucy felt comfortable being alone with me just yet, I decided to accompany Rogue on the hunt.

The two of us walked side by side further into the woods. The last ray of sunlight had disappeared when we finally found a pack of wild geese. Like natural hunters, we observed the flock for a bit, then attacked. Rogue's katana slice through a goose, cutting off its head with a quick slash of his sword. I on the other hand, grabbed another bird and burnt it with my fire covered fists. The other boy gave me an amused look. 'What's so funny?'

On our way back, Rogue spoke first. "What do you think of Lucy?"

Without thinking I automatically replied, "She's the best person I know! She's sweet and caring and fun. I don't know what my life would be like without her."

"Do you have any feelings for her?"

'What the heck is he asking, of course I have feelings for her!' (A.N. He's such a baka.) "She's my best friend, of course I have feelings for her."

"I meant romantic feelings."

My face flushed with embarrassment. "Um - um, I've never really thought about her like that before."

Rogue stopped just outside the cave and said, "I love Lucy, and I'll do anything to protect her. Will you?"

I was stunned. Rogue's words slowly and painfully seeped into my brain. 'Do I love Lucy the way he does? What is love anyways? And why is it so complicated.' I groaned in frustration.

"Natsu, are you okay?" Lucy asked, offering me the roasted geese leg when I took a seat beside her.

I grabbed it gratefully out of her hands, and managed my signature grin. "I'm fine Luce!" She gave me a worried look and returned to eating.

The rest of the night was as gloomy as ever.  My brain replayed all the adventures I had taken with Lucy. The same question pulsed through my veins the whole night: Did I love Luce? And I allowed to fall in love with a friend?

When it was my turn to watch over the others while they slept, I stared up at the starry sky. Not many people know this, but the stars may hold all the secrets to life, you just have to look hard enough to find them. It had taken me a whole night of thinking, but I was sure of it now. The way I feel about Lucy was the same as Rogue. I was willing to do anything for her. I guess I did fall in love with her after all.

But will Lucy ever love me back?


Author's Note:

Hey peeps! Theeny here and I wanted to say - GOMEN GOMEN GOMEN for not updating for such a long time. It was the end of the school year and Cookie-san and I had tons of stuff we needed to do. I know this chap was short, but I promise I will keep updating throughout summer break (YAY). And just because of the ending, doesn't mean this will be about Nalu. There's like three other guys. We can totally create a love SQUARE. *Evil smile* Creep, I'm hanging out with cookie too much.

And If you're wondering where Cookie is, she's off on vacation for majority of the summer and will not be able to write chaps with me. BUT.....since I'm still here, there will definitely be updates coming up. So keep reading, and don't forget to vote!


Nalu:  2

Rolu:  5

Sticy:  3


H.A.G.S.!! *Screams in joy*

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