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Rogue's P.O.V.:

I had an uneasy feeling down in the pits of my stomach the morning I woke up. Being a dragon slayer meant trusting your instincts, and my instincts were telling me that something was wrong. A part of me felt missing - gone. Another part of me felt horribly in pain, drowned in loneliness - and yet, vengeful. After our heated argument yesterday, I haven't heard from, nor have I seen Sting. 'That's it!' I thought. A sudden realization flooded my brain. I immediately got dressed and ran out my house. 'I have to see Lucy...'

Moving swiftly past large crowds of people, I headed in the direction of Lucy's castle. It was hard to miss with its grand appearance and tall structure.

Normal P.O.V:

As he burst through the castle entrance, he sprinted through the confusing corridors. Through twists and turns, the thought of Lucy never once left his mind as he speed increased the farther he went. Once he burst through the doors, he saw Lucy sitting by the window with a evil smirk laced across her face.

"Lucy!" Rouge called.

Upon seeing me, her smirk fell of her face. Suddenly, her big brown eyes were filled with tears. "Rogue..."she whispered.

You could see the emo's cheeks turn to scarlet at the sound of his name coming out of her mouth. "Lucy-" he began awkwardly. He had no idea how to react to a crying girl - especially a crying girl as cute as Lucy. "What happened? Why are you crying?"

"StingheleftmebecausehewenttokillAcnogia," she said all in a rush with a said voice, but the evil glint in her eyes never once left her eyes even with tears in her chocolate orbs.

"Yes, my dad also told me about it. I asked if I could come, but he said darkness vs. darkness are never a good combination to fight against each other." Rouge explained as he shrugged.

"Oh." Was all that Lucy said before hugging Rouge.

"I'm going to do something very dangerous, and I want you to accompany me. However, I do not want you getting in the way since this is a very personal business I need to take care of. Unless of course, I need you to do something." Lucy said sternly staring into Rouge's eyes. "Understood."

"Hai. When do we leave?" Rouge asked with a determined look plastered along his face.

"Tomorrow afternoon. So for now, get your things ready. This might take a while." Lucy said as she turned her back to gaze through the window as she saw a cloud cover the sun.

Rouge nodded as he turned on his heel to become a shadow, but before he could do so, Lucy stopped him.

"How come you didn't come here as a shadow. Why did you run all the way here?" Lucy asked as she her gazed shifted towards the door that Rouge brushed through.

"Ano. Well I forgot I could do that. Let's just say that Sting's stupidness rubbed off on me." Rouge said while scratching the back of his head as he disappeared in a flash of shadows.

Lucy sweat dropped as she started to back for the long journey ahead of them.

'I'll do it. I am going to fulfill my promise to you Sting. I hope nothing bad will happen.' Lucy thought once she was done packing. She sighed as she drifted of to dreamland.

Lucy's dream- Lucy's P.O.V:

Blood. I'm covered in thick heavy blood. I look around me as I see mountains destroyed, rubbles scattered all over what looks like a battle field, and dust drifting through the air. 'Must have been the cause an explosion.' I thought as I got familiarized with my surroundings.

'But by who or what.' I wondered as I realized the amount of destruction this explosion has caused.

As I continue to wonder around, I jumped at the sound of a blood-stopping scream of a man. The scream was so agonizing that it made me tremble in fear as I began getting goosebumps. Once the horrific scream died down, a cold, evil laugh filled the cold thick air.

'Death is near.' I heard a female voice ringing through my head. As I shakily started to run -even if I was somehow bruised up and wounded, to where the source of the scream and laughter came from.

However, once I came there, I saw a sight that I never wish to see in my wildest dreams.

I saw a dead Natsu surrounded in a pool of crimson blood. Near him was a dying Rouge as he struggled to lift up his head. Once he did, his dull eyes bore into my terrified eyes as he whispered the words 'RUN'. Before he died however, he shakily raised a heavily wounded arm to point at someone or something in the shadows.

Once I grasped the concept of my situation, I hesitantly turned my head to the area Rouge pointed at. Once I did however, I saw glowing crimson eyes from the shadows.

"It's time, Lucy." said the mysterious figure as it stepped out of the shadows.

I gasped at who I saw not believing my eyes, I said, "It can't be. It can't be you -"

End of dream (A.N: Still Lucy's P.OV)

I gasped as I shot up into sitting position. I swept my hair out of my sweaty forehead as I heavily gasped for air.

'No. That can't happen. Please don't tell me that's the future, if so I must stop it from happening.' I thought with a fierce determined look in my eyes even with fear laced across my face.

I made up my mind not to tell anyone of my dream once I stood up to start my day.


Author's Note:

Cookie-San's announcement:

HI PEOPLE!!!! So yay me and Theeny updated a chap. I know you guys think I'm evil for leaving it in a cliffhanger, but I'm feeling evil!!! o(`ω' )o BWAHAHA *chokes on cookie*

*cough* I'm okay. So anyway, here are the couples you want so far:




(Where are all the Sticy shippers!!)

Theeny's announcements:

Hi again. So thx to all of out readers so far cuz u guys r all awesome like HARRY POTTER DEATHLY HALLOWS!! Anyways, Love problem DID have more readers than our one shots but not anymore (sadly). Even so, thx for reading and plz vote for ur favorite ship. CYA MINNA :)

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