Who Are You?

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Normal P.O.V:

They quickly followed the trail of blood through the lush forest. All Lucy saw were blurs of green. By the time they reached the end of the trail, night had fallen. In the distance, they could see a camp with three tents set up. They were all dark shades of blue. Lucy, Natsu, Rogue, and Happy hid behind a large tree and peered into the camp. It seemed to be deserted.

Just then, a pair of crimson eyes and and two pairs of blue eyes shone through the darkness. The three figures revealed themselves to be Zeref, Lissana, and Sting.

"Great, they're all here. We should take care of all three of them right now. LET'S DO IT." Natsu whispered a little too loud for the others' liking.

"Quiet down or they'll hear us," Lucy warned.

"WHO'S THERE?" Zeref boomed.

Lucy groaned in her head. -We are so dead.- She shot her companions a look that said "No one move."

The girl crouched behind the tree with her friends beside her. She held her breath as if that will keep them from getting discovered. Rogue placed a firm hand on her shoulder. She sent him a questioning look - and that was when she heard the footsteps.

Someone was coming. And she had no doubt it was Sting. After all, what kind of wife would forget the sound of her husband's footsteps? If she dare peaked over the tree, she had no doubt she'd be met by a pair of navy blue eyes.

No - Sting wasn't the same Sting she knew. His eyes had flashed a deadly red, one that shot daggers through her heart. Rogue squeezed her shoulder as if reminding her to focus.

The footsteps were coming closer. Then it stopped. Lucy could almost picture how close Sting was to their hiding spot.

Her eyes widened with fear. Why did he stop walking; was he preparing to attack? Her heart pounded inside her chest. If so, she was ready- ready to leave the past behind. She crouched down in a more defensive stance than earlier, ready to dodge any incoming attacks. Then, she glanced at her battered group of companions. No one looked strong enough to take on Sting. 'They're all depending on me. I dragged them into this mess, and now I have to drag them out of it.'

Slowly but surely, Lucy began peering over the tree. Rogue was gripping her shoulder even tighter now. She ignored his warning and contined searching for her target.

Her eyes searched the ground in front of her. They stopped at a pair of black boots. When she gazed up, she caught a pair of stone hard eyes. 'They're still blue...'

'No.' She mentally shook her head as she remembered that he wasn't the man she love; he wasn't her Sting. The two ex-lovers stared fiercely into each other's eyes. There was no love, nor passion. All she saw was hatred and betrayal.

Love or hatred, she could care less. Right now she had to focus on the task at hand. She knew Sting was ready to attack at any moment. It was her fault for letting him find them. 'Okay so there's 5 possible ways of escape if things get too much to handle. I just have to stay here and cast that spell to kill everyone besides the three bakas. So they better not be stubborn enough to stay.' Her eyes darted to the trees. 'I could also use the trees as-' her thoughts were cut off by another voice. One that boiled with venom.

"Did you find anything?" Zeref called. The trees shook and the shadows quivers at the sound of his voice.

Lucy clenched her teeth but did not look away from Sting. He saw her - no, he saw them. The possibility of them leaving this place alive was as good as negative pi. She could already imagine the cruel smirk forming on his face, and the horror creeping on her face as Zeref destroyed them all. She could feel the tense atmosphere in her companions. Maybe it wasn't too late to attack. She had just enough power to set the camp in flames. She knew it wouldn't kill Zeref or his minions but it would buy them time to escape.

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