Here's the Plan

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Natsu's P.O.V.:

It's almost been a week. That night Lucy was captured, Rogue and I found a small cave and hid in it until the coast was clear. I regret that decision. We should've gone back for Lucy. I don't give a creep about what she said. I shouldn't have ran. 'Where is she now?' I wondered to myself.

"Natshu," Happy flew into the dark cave, "Rogue brought back some delicious fish, you should eat some."

I shook my head. I stopped eating that night we abandoned Lucy. Eating was no longer on my list of priorities. I figured, if she was dead, I should die too. Without her here, I feel empty.

"Okay then," Happy said dejectedly and flew out the cave. His wings drooping as he flew back into the light.

Finally, all was quiet again. I could hear a slight buzzing in my ear and a fire crackling outside. I laid motionlessly against the stony walls of the cave, staring into thin air. My eyes were dead, and so was every other part of my body.

"You were amazing!"

"Let's go Lucy?"

"Let's form a team!"

"I've got to help her! ... I heard his voice... I know he's here..."

"I believe in you, I have ever since I joined the guild."

"We should take it back as a souvenir to Lucy!"

"Aye sir!"

"Because you're a nice person."

"Because, it's always more fun when we're together."

"Are you okay, Natsu?"

"Here, your scarf..."

"I owe you one Lucy."

"You better not touch a hair a hair on Lucy's head, 'cause if you do... I'll burn you all to ash."

"What's wrong, Lucy?"

"Nothing. Just... thank you."

"Let's save the tears for when we win."

"Let's continue our adventure!"

How could I have been such a coward? It wasn't in my blood to abandon a comrade, much less Lucy. Footsteps came towards me, then stopped. I didn't bother to look up. Maybe it was Zeref, coming to take me away - away to Lucy! I leaped up suddenly with a wild look in my eyes. I searched desperately through the shadows. At last, my green eyes saw blonde hair. My eyes widen as I saw Lucy unconscious over Rouge's shoulder. I shifted my weight over to one leg as I lifted both arms fists balled, ready to light on fire if the shadow dragon slayer attacked.

Rouge tucked Lucy into a sleeping bag as he wearily stared at Natsu. "Woah, hold it, Flame Breath, I just happened to find Lucy whom collapsed 10 minutes after I found her."

Natsu retreated back into his normal stance, as he grabbed the fish Happy offered him earlier, not having to worry about Lucy.

"Wherf wath fhe?" Natsu replied with a mouthful of food.

"Just on the boarders of the field."


Rouge sat in front of the crackling fire, back turned to the shuffling blonde and the snoring pink haired idiot. Unknown to the shadow dragon slayer, the blonde queen sat up as she stared longly at the sky, tears filled her vision. She shook her head as she tip toed over to the quiet dragon slayer. She smirked as she crept onto her "unsuspecting victim", and she pounced. Right when she wrapped her arms around him, she instantly found herself laying on her back muscular arms on either side of her head. Wide eyed, she stared at a blushing Rouge as if in a daze. For a moment she thought of how Sting and her used to always do this, but she shook her head. 

Rouge looked her curiously since he could've sworn he saw a flash of betrayal, doubt, and love?

"Hey, Rouge?" Lucy asked, voice wavering with dull eyes not allowing him to read her. To allow any opening for any vulnerability.

"Hm?" Rouge hummed, rolling off of her as she positioned herself on his lap, peering up to the foggy sky in search for light; for her hope.

"Do you ever wonder why Sting lied to Zeref back there? What if he's still the same Sting? Why did he go to Fairy Tail? Why did he-" Lucy was interrupted by Rouge placing a finger on her lips shushing her.

"Woah, slow down with the questions missy. Any way to answer your questions, first of all, I have this weird feeling but he was probably protecting you. After all, he did promise to protect you with everything he has; maybe he still has a little bit of 'the old Sting' in him fulfilling his final promise. Secondly, why don't we just wait and see. In desperate times comes desperate measures, when the time comes, we would all see if that's the same Sting. We just have to trust in whatever Sting has in plan. Thirdly, maybe he had to warn you of something dire after his fight with-"

"Acnologia... THAT'S IT!!!" Lucy exclaimed as she jumped up and woke Natsu up whom grumbled about wanting five more minutes only to sit up and put a sleeping Happy on his head. Lucy excitedly packed all their things in a switch of her wrist. As Rouge stood up and Natsu shuffled his way over to the two, Lucy closed her eyes and spread her arms. A golden flash of light surrounded her as a gentle breeze whipped her hair and ripped clothing around her. The two dumbfounded dragon slayers stared at her in awe never quite getting used to Lucy summing a key to, well, summon a spirit.

'That's my girl', The two thought as they stared at their angel.

"I CALL HENSE FORTH, KEY OF THE TRAVELER! REQUIP!" Lucy shouted, and with a wave of an arm, a silver key appeared in her tightly clenched hand; trembling with excitement. She put the key to her lips and winked at the two confused dragon slayers. 

"So here's the plan..."



HHHEEEEYYYYOOOO~ So, well I could explain... IM SORRY GUYS!!! It's my fault for procrastinating, even if it was almost a year since we've last updated. I kept on wanting to add something, but have never actually got around on doing so. Don't worry, I've been constantly scolded by Theeny thoroughly. Sorry for the cliff hanger, but since I'm back, you should've expected my signature cliff hanger by yours truly~ Anyway hoped you guys liked the chapter, and it shouldn't take us as much time as it did this time to publish the next chapter. OH OH!!! BTW DON'T FORGET TO VOTE ON WHICH COUPLE YOU WANT TO HAPPEN AT THE END. REMEMBER, YOUR VOTES DO COUNT ON WHICH MALE OUR LUCY ENDS UP WITH!!! Will she get back with her beloved husband whom died in her arms, only to be brought alive and well in the enemy's side. OR will it be the quiet man who has always been by her side through thick and thing? OOOOOORRRRR would she end up with her ex- crush, and best friend who broke her under the influence of a spell? It all depends on you lovely readers~


Pretty much what cookie said up there: we're uber sorry for procrastinating and thank you so much to our loyal readers who actually still read this mess. We promise we'll try to update more frequently, so please continue to support us! Thank you, you awesome people!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2017 ⏰

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