It's Been A While

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Lucy's P.O.V.:

I woke up to the sound of the two arguing dragon slayers. I figured they were yelling about who gets to eat the last batch of raspberry I had found during my shift in the early morning. But rubbing the sleep off my eyes, I saw that they were engaged in a heated discussion about the map. 'Well that's something you don't see everyday.'

Natsu saw me first. "Morning, Luce," he greeted.

I yawned. "Morning."

"Did you sleep well?" Rogue asked.

"Not really," I replied. The dream about seeing a certain someone (A.N. Guess who. I dare you.) coming back to life kept my mind drowsy and slightly disturbed.

Happy flew over to me "Lushee, I brought you a fish."

I mumbled a thanks and took the still warm, slightly grilled fish from Happy's paws. I knew it was bad to complain about food, but I really did miss Mira's cooking, and not to mention her delicious strawberry smoothies.

Then, I sat down next to the two boys, and we began discussing a plan.

Time skip- Few hours later:

After hours of discussing, the boys and I finally agreed on searching the area with the most reported extreme dark magic sightings.

Sadly it was across Fiore and it would days to travel... WAIT A MINUTE!!! I'm the freaking dragon queen. I could just teleport us there.

Not realizing I said the whole thought aloud, I watch the guys face palm. I slowly felt heat build up while I realized I was blushing from embarrassment.

"U-uh we should probably go now, so ,uh, we don't waste any time. Well chop chop minna!" I exclaimed while clapping my hands hoping to ease the tension in the air.

'Hmmm now should I use the portal key Mylanth, the time dragon gave me for my birthday, or should I use my own powers? Well I should probably use the key. Even if it uses up a lot of my power, it would be able to take the three of us to our destination all in one trip.

So I summoned the golden key out of thin air.  I closed my eyes and focused on opening a portal. To do that, I had to make contact with the spirit inside the key though it wasn't as easy as it sounded. For, familiar voices constantly mocked my ability and power. They told me that I wasn't good enough to be the Dragon Queen. They called me weak and useless - just like they always did.  

I knew better than to listen to their words every time, but I also knew they were true - dead true.

'Lucy, focus' I tell myself, 'You can do this. You have to do this. What's worse, stupid spirits questioning your ability in the most annoying way possible, or Zeref destroying the world because you weren't there to stop him?'

My powers went out for a moment.

Then it came back in bulks.

I was pouring out my power and forcing the spirit to obey me. I know I'm stupid and weak and annoying and lovesick and all those other things that would make people hate me. But I don't care about that anymore. I lived for myself, so there was no need to please everyone else.

'URUSAI' I screamed at the taunting spirits inside my head. (A.N. That meant shut up in Japanese in case you didn't know.) And surprisingly, they really did quiet down.

Before I knew it, the spirit was under my control. As I opened my eyes, I saw a transparent portal surrounded by a golden mist floating in front of me.

"Lucy, are you okay? Your face is pale," Rogue asked.

I smiled and waved him off. "Yeah, I'm fine, I just conquered a dragon spirit." After the two boys stepped through the portal I added, "But it's more like I conquered myself."

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