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Normal P.O.V.:

Lucy's eyes fluttered open after a long series of dreams. Everything in her vision was blurry, and her head throbbed as if someone threw a brick at it. She tried moving her arms, only to find them chained to wall. 'What the...' A few moments later, her vision cleared and so did the pounding in her head. She realized that her body was dangling a foot off the ground. 'Where am I?'

The Mage was in what appeared to be a dungeon. Four brick walls surrounded the room, oozing with protective magic. Nothing can get in or get out. There was a gloomy staircase leading up to who-knows-where on the other side of the room. Her arms were shackled to the wall with rusty manacles around her wrists. Already, they were leaving bruises. She attempted a struggle but it was no use. Those were special cuffs, enchanted to prevent the use of magic. 'Darn it.' Lucy hung her head in shame. She was just about think of an escape plan when she heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

'Maybe I should pretend to be unconscious.' A second later, she thought, 'No, better stay awake. I want to see who brought me here anyway.'

"Did you really capture her?" a very familiar voice asked.

"Of course, just like father commanded," a second voice replied. 'Father...' Flashbacks of the previous encounter with the stranger appeared in Lucy's head. Suddenly, the footsteps stopped. "Here we are."

Lucy kept her head down, waiting for the perfect moment to surprise her captors. A single pair of footsteps approached her. Cold hands reached over and grabbed her hair. She bit back a growl of pain.

"Lucy Heartfilia..." she said those words with such distaste, Lucy knew immediately who she was. 'Lissana.' "You think you're sooo smart, don't you? You think you're the best Mage in Fiore. Ha. It was so easy to capture you. How dumb. But Fairy Tail is even dumber, trusting you over me. Look where that got them -"

Without warning, Lucy raised her head and spat directly into Lissana's eye. The white-haired girl stumbled back in surprise. A smirk tugged at her lips.

"YOU!" Lissana began, furiously wiping away the spit of her face.

"Who's the dumb on now?" Lucy replied coldly.


"Yeah, yeah, yeah..." Her statement was followed up with an eye-roll.


"Someone please pacify her. She's getting on my nerves."

The mysterious stranger grabbed Lissana and pulled her away from Lucy. "Why don't you head back. I'll take care of this." Her voice was sugary sweet and convincing. 'Who is she?'

Reluctantly, Lissana shot Lucy one last glare before walking back up the stairs. 'Annoying little brat. I killed her once and can't wait to murder her again.'

"Lucy Heartfillia..." the stranger said thoughtfully as she walked towards her. It was the first time Lucy got a good look at her. She was basically a mini girl version of Zeref- with jet black hair reaching her mid-back, styled in mini pigtails. Sure she was pretty, but what really stood out, wasn't her fair skin nor her pink lips, but it was  her mesmerizing crimson eyes.

She wore a white long sleeved dress, her skirt had red lace on top white, which ended around mid thigh. The ends of her sleeves were a bit loose. She also had black combat boots and a pair of white knee socks. Her hair was styled in mini pigtails which were held up with red ribbons with white and black lace decorating it. The rest of her hair was neatly combed to perfection onto her back.

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