Sticy - Promises

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Rogue's P.O.V.:

Leaving Lucy was the stupidest thing I have ever done. If we had more time, if she wasn't so badly hurt, if - 'There's not that many if's in the world' I thought to myself bitterly as I dragged Natsu through the darkness. My heart pounded louder than usual. I was sick to my stomach - at myself. How could I've been so dumb.

More what-if's ran through my mind, and every one of them had to do with Lucy. For all I knew, she could be dead by now. No - I mustn't think like that. I have to believe she's still alive. Lucy will be okay. She'll be fine.

Lucy's P.O.V.:

I was drowning in darkness, I felt cold. After a while my head started throbbing, but luckily numbness started to consume my entire being. I was drifting further and further away from the light that was consciousness. However, a brilliant ball of light floated towards me. It released a sense of warmth, one that I desperately needed. I let the warmth from the peculiar substance surround me for a moment before reaching out to touch it.

Suddenly, the light turned into a door, and I fell into a very important memory.









3 Years ago:

I sat on a cliff, dangling my legs off the edge. In my hand, was a single dandelion, glowing in the bright afternoon sun. I began twirling it, and some petals flew away with the wind.

"Oh no, not this memory. This would make things more harder..." My unconscious self said.

"What's wrong, Lucy?" Sting asked as he took a seat beside me. "And I don't mean to question your life choices, but isn't this an awfully dangerous place to be enjoying the afternoon sun?"

"Dangerous?" My past self said scoffed, "I though your middle name was 'Danger.'"

Sting smiled softly. "Hmm... Sting Danger Eucliffe. I like the sound of that."

"So do I."

I leaned my head against his shoulder, and he wrapped an arm around me. We stared at the sky for a long while, counting the clouds that drifted over our heads. The spring flowers emitted a sweet scent that made my heart flutter. This whole situation made me feel as if we were in a fairy tale. Everything was in perfect harmony.

"You know..." Sting began.

"Mhm?" I mumbled into the collar of his shirt. He smelled like a fresh summer breeze.

"If you blow away the petals on the dandelion, you can make a wish, and it'll come true." He pointed to the slightly crushed flower between my fingers.

"I know, but I'm just thinking of what to wish for. Everything that I could possibly want is right here," I said, gazing into his blue eyes.

Our lips met.

After we reluctantly pulled apart from each other, I said, "Well, there is something I've always wanted."

Sting turned to me, trying to conceal his disappointment at the fact that he wasn't all I needed. I hid my smile behind the sleeve of my sweater. "What is it?" he asked.

The thought of annoying him even further ran through my mind. Instead, I replied in the sweetest and most innocent voice I could muster, "I wish we'd be together forever."

Sting looked absolutely shocked for a second before breaking into the brightest smile I have ever seen, one that rivaled the sun's rays.

"You don't need to wish upon a flower for that to come true," he said to me.

"Why not?"

"You have me!" He replied as if it was the must obvious thing in the world, "I'll make sure that happens - for sure." Then, he leaned in and brushed another kiss upon my forehead.

I giggled and pushed him away, screaming about how he was a baka.

As we stared into the sunset, he held his hand out with his pinkie sticking up. I raised an eyebrow at him, but he started talking before I could even question him.

"Promise me, promise me that we'll stay together. To stay like this; in each other's embrace. Please?" He said with a hope and love evident in his eyes.

I stared into his navy blue eyes knowing that I could get lost in his eyes forever. I tore away knowing about my destiny; knowing full we that I couldn't keep the secret, but I was willing to keep hanging on as long as I can. For him, for me; no for us.

I gazed upon his majestic eyes and took a deep breath as I held up my pink and linked it with his.

As the sun took it's dying breathe as it left our part of the sky, I said, "Promise."



"Baka," I whispered amongst the darkness. If only I had known sooner that this fairy tale was going to come to an end eventually. If only I realized that sooner, maybe I wouldn't be so heartbroken when it did. When the spell broke as the sun disappeared.


Cookie: Ya sorry for the long wait....
Anyway here is a Sticy moment for the past. There are fo parts to this thingy. This is part one aka like ya know Sticy part two is like Nalu, and like part 3 is Rolu. These will give make you think which character you want for the final chap. Yes this story is like idk half way done??? YAS PEOPAAALLL ITS LIKE TOTAL HALF WAY DONE LIKE ALREADYYYY!!!!!! Zeref is mine.


I don't think there's anything else that needs to be said, so thanks for reading and CYA IN THE NEXT CHAP!!!

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