This Can't Be Happening

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Lucy's P.O.V:

It's been exactly three days since Sting left to kill Acnologia. I sighed as I felt the warm wind blow past my hair. I turned in the direction of Fairy Tail. I know I could have teleported there with Rouge, but I would've wasted too much magical energy for the fight if I did.

As I descended near the end of the forest to set up the camp, I wondered if Rouge was okay. I thought of my directions. I wonder if they were were clear enough.

Flashback- Normal P.O.V:

"Hey Rouge." Lucy said in deep thought.

Rouge responded with a lazy 'Hmmm' and a glance towards her direction.

"In order to make this faster, you will need to look for the potion of memories while I head to Fairy Tail. First you will need to travel East of these woods. Once you get near to the end of the woods, you'll have to enter a cave. Once inside, the floor will collapse so be careful. Make it safely across the cave until you reach a glowing pond. There you will have to fight sirens. Remember that they are fake and don't let them fool you. After that you should know the rest." Rogue nodded. Then without another word, he left to complete his task.

Rogue's P.O.V.:

Following Lucy's directions, I made my way towards the east side of the woods. As I passed numerous trees, I kept my eyes open for any signs of danger. Who know what danger might lurk in these shadows? Even though I was a shadow dragon slayer, there were still certain precautions I must take in order to save enough magical energy for Lucy's plans later.

Soon, I saw the the cave. It was fairly large with many small plants surrounding it. A couple of what seemed like fireflies buzzed near the entrance. 'Fireflies? Do they even come out at this time of the day? Weird...' I carefully made my way to the entrance of the cave. And that was when I heard the singing. It sounded like a chorus of sweet voices mixed together to create something enchanting. 'Who's singing? Such beautiful voices...' A smile sifted across my tense face. For a moment or two, I forgot about my task. Just standing outside listening to those beautiful sounds were enough to make me forget everything.

Then, the singing stopped. For a second, I was snapped back into reality. 'What? What was I doing? Oh never mind that, I better find that potion for Lucy.' So I cautiously stepped into the cave, remembering Lucy's warning about the unstable floor. To make sure my path was safe enough to cross, I picked up a large rock the size of an apple and threw it towards the floor in front of me.

There was a loud CLACK as the rock collided with the ground. But nothing happened. 'Thank dragons...' (A.N. I was going to write "thanks gods" but Rouge was a dragon slayer so.... I hoped that made sense.) I continued to throw rocks to test the stability of my path. Just when I was about to reach the other side of the cave, the last rock I threw broke a large section of the ground before me. 'This isn't good. How am I supposed to get across?'

I wrecked my brain for a solution. 'What am I doing?! I can just change into a shadow! That'll probably waste my energy but it's the only way to get across.' I silently apologized to Lucy.

A moment later, I was standing on the other side safe and sound. I was standing on the only narrow strip of ground that was left and was desperately clinging to the walls of the cave for support. 'A few more steps...' I struggled to reach the opening that will hopefully lead to the glowing pond.

As I stepped through the opening, the beautiful chorus of harmony started up again. Their voices filling my brain with pleasantness and a drowsy feeling. I couldn't interpret the words, but their voices alone was enough to calm me. 'More like trap me.'

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