The Battle

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Normal P.O.V.:

The battle had begun.

Lucy stood up as she dashed towards Lissana with lightning speed with the elements surrounding her clenched fist. Her eyes not only did they turn gold, but they dangerously flickered to crimson red and back to gold.

Lissana however stood tall with a smirk as she slowly started to have darkness seep through her body. Lucy's now angered crimson eyes widen as she punched Lissana across the guild.

Lissana just stood up from the crumbles of rock that use to create a wall like nothing happened as she transformed into a demon. She raised her head to reveal her shaped jagged teeth and pitch black eyes with purple horns and a tail to match her light purple skin.

"How do you have that power. The power to transform into... into that!" Lucy demanded as she gathered her magic energy into her fists and feet, ready to attack with full force.

"My my my, is Lucy Heartfillia really that clueless about this power? I thought she was all knowing with her own little title as dragon queen. After all you should know who gave this to me isn't that right, Lucy" Lissana chuckled as she prepared herself for an attack.

"Zeref. Ha so you must be his new apprentice. In other words his slave, his own personal doll to do his dirty bidding a for him." Lucy spat darkly as she waited for Lissana to make the first move.

"I am not his slave nor his doll" Lissana yelled angrily as she ran towards Lucy with her hand glowing with a deathly shadow. "This should teach you to learn your place you peasant."

Lucy quickly dodged to the right when Lissana was about 10 meters away from her as she swiftly kicked Lissana in the ribs as fire abrupt from her foot.

Lissana conquered the attack with a swift upper cut on Lucy's jaw as purple shadows exploded.

Once far away from each other, they started to prepare their attacks. ( A.N: I will make up the few couple of attacks)

"Holy royal beam of judgment!"

"Death ray!"

As they said their attack at the same time, their attacks collided both hitting each opponent. A bright, holy, swirling beam of colors and light hit Lissana squarely in the stomach. While Lucy almost dodged the never ending ray of purple darkness right in the shoulder.

Once the dust cleared, what was seen was both fighters still standing with many wounds and blood dripping down to the ground. They were heavily breathing as they ran at each other again.

They started punching and kicking each other (using their elements to help) at such amazing speed, that you could only see a blur of purple and gold. If you were to slow then down, you would see Lucy dodging a direct punch from Lissana by doing a double back flip and finishing it of by a 360 round house kick to the face.

Lucy tried to punch Lissana but failed when she was grabbed by the arm an flipped over and thrown into the air only to be punched in the gut. She got back to her feet a second later and karate kicked Lissana in the face. She then, shot a jet of golden light towards the girl's heart. Lissana missed it by nanometers.

"You can't kill me, Lucy," she mocked.

"The battle's not over yet."

Once again, the twelve blinding lights appeared behind her. If someone observed it close enough, the twelve lights were actually her twelve celestial spirits at their most powerful forms. Lissana gasped. Lucy smirked. In the speed of light (A.N. That's 186,000 miles PER second in a vacuum/empty space in case you guys didn't know), the celestial spirits zoomed towards the frightened girl all at once.

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