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Normal P.O.V:

As both dragon slayers began to regain consciousness, you could see the pain and sadness that she desperately tried to hide with a fake smile. The duo knew better since they loved her to much. However, one of them wasn't as loud as the other.

"Lucy tell us what's wrong" they both said in unison as they both have each other the deadliest glare that could even rival Erza and Mira's death glares combined.

"It's nothing, I just don't know what to do anymore." Lucy said the last part softly as she struggled to keep her emotions in check.

However, this of course had not been unheard by the duo. "Lucy, if you are upset and don't want to tell us, it's okay. We won't force you, but I believe Sting is the reason of all this." Rouge said as he raised his eyebrow all the while staring at Sting with crossed arms.

"Look, I'm sorry for what you saw, but it wasn't what it looked like. Yukino, was actually giving me advice on what I should do on our 1 year anniversary. Since I didn't know what to do, I kissed her since I knew she still liked me." Sting explained as he scratched the back of his head.

"BAKA!!! YOU CANT GO AROUND KISSING OTHER GIRLS AS A PAYMENT!!! YOUR MARRIED FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!" Rouge shouted as he whacked Sting so hard that he flew of his head as he tumbled towards the wall if the infirmary.

"Sting, I forgive you. Since we all do know that your just more stupid than even a baka can be." Lucy smiled angelically as she sweat dropped from what Rouge did and her idiotic husband's explanation.

"You know what, you do what you want to do. I don't forgive him." Rouge said as he clenched his fist tightly as he disappeared into a whirlpool of shadows.

"I have to take a bath now. If you need anything just call me or or the maids." Lucy said sweetly as she walked out the door.

As soon as Lucy's body hit the warm bubbly water, she collapsed into a crying mess. She sat their hugging her knees as the steam around her somehow thickened. Sadness filled her eyes as she remembered all the happy and sad memories she made at Fairy Tail.

She thought of the one whom inflicted her the most pain. ' What if they really are under a spell. What if Natsu gained control for a few seconds then went back to his fake self.

'What sho-' Lucy's thoughts were interrupted when she heard yelling from the infirmary.

She quickly stood up as she rapped a pink fuzzy towel around her naked body. When she ran through the throne room door, she saw Sting and Weisslogia in middle of an argument. Luckily, since both father and son were so caught up in their heated argument, they didn't notice Lucy.

Lucy took this opportunity to listen to their conversation. "You can't expect me to leave Lucy! You can't expect me to get up and pack my things just so I can help kill Acnologia! I can't leave Lucy especially now. I ca-" Sting was interrupted as Lucy ran out the doors crying as she locked herself in the bathroom as she slipped herself back in the bathtub.

Lucy sat there as the steam slowly evaporated into the dense air. Her emotions all over the place. She didn't know what to do every since Natsu arrived.

She wanted Sting to stay, especially in her time of need. She didn't care if she sounds selfish, but she needed him. She needed him for comfort. She needed Rou- wait what. Is she developing feelings for Rouge. No, it can't be. She has Sting.

After she had finally calmed down, the celestial Mage carefully walked back to her room in hopes of not being discovered. But her hopes shattered when she heard Sting's voice "Lucy, is that you?"

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