You.... Traitor!!!!

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Normal P.O.V.:

He's alive. Sting was alive. How can that be? Lucy was right beside him when he utter his final words. She had felt his last, feeble breath. This must be a joke - right?

Apparently, she was wrong. Whatever happened back the mattered no more, the love of her life was standing right in front of her with that same gentle expression he always had. Her heart filled up with emotions that she could not describe, but joy overpowered them all.

"Sting..." Lucy said his name again as if it was the only thing that can stop him from disappearing from her side. "Thank god, you're okay. I was so worried when you left and and and..." She trailed off. For, there was too much that needed to be said but not nearly enough time to say them. For, she was being dragged down by quicksand.

Sting held a finger to his lips, "I missed you too, Lucy. My life without you has been bland like vanilla ice cream. It's been too long since I've seen your beautiful face."

Rogue narrowed his eyes. 'I thought Sting loved vanilla ice cream.' The quicksand had already devoured half of his body. 'This is not the same Sting I know.' The Shadow Dragon Slayer struggled against the sand, but he remained trapped. Meanwhile, Lucy and his ex-best friend exchanged more sickening sweet words.

"This is giving me a headache," Rogue muttered under his breath.

"Ya think?" Natsu answered.

Lucy then, held out her hands. "Thank God, you're here, Sting. Now hurry and help us out of here." At the sound of her words, Sting reached for her.

Rogue frowned. 'Wait a second... Wasn't he the one who pushed us in here in the first place?'

The two lovers gazed deeply into each other's eyes as their hands connected. Sting still wore that same kind expression that made Lucy's heart melt. The two boys on the other hand, saw through Sting's innocent act. There was a evil glint in his eyes. He had an icy cold stare that only Rogue and Natsu can see. Lucy was obviously in a daze, and someone had to snap her out of it.

"IT'S A TRAP!" the two Dragon Slayers yelled suddenly as realization flooded their veins.

Lucy, who was halfway out of the quicksand, swiveled her head to face them. At the same time, an evil grin formed on Sting's lips. His eyes no longer resembled warmth and kindness.

"Oops-" Sting let go of Lucy's hands, "You caught me."

Before Lucy could even register what had happened, she was falling backwards in slow motion. The man she trusted with her life laughed at her stupidity in the background. 'What...' The two boys struggled against the pull of the quicksand to make sure she was alright. But Lucy's eyes were glazed over. How can something so wonderfully happy be destroyed in the split of a second?

Sting laughed on and on until every pair of eyes were trained on him. "Gosh," he began, gasping for breath, "I can't believe you fell for it. That was so stupid, and I thought you matured after the previous incidents."

"Shut up, Sting - or whoever you are," Natsu yelled. "I thought you died."

The blonde haired Dragon Slayer calmly sat down on a nearby rock. They all knew he was enjoying every bit of this. He leaned towards his captives. "I did die - or correctly speaking, the old Sting died, I'm the new and improved Sting Eucliffe."

Lucy's P.O.V:

My mind was blank. My head was spinning. 'What's going on.... I thought Sting was alive... The same Sting I love.... He's not... H-He lied to us...'

I saw Sting rise to his feet. 'He lied to me....'

I clenched my fists into tight balls. My eyes widen at the thought. 'He tricked me!'

Sting sent me a wicked smirk that made my blood boil. His eyes were no longer navy blue, instead, they were an alarming shade of red. But a second later, they returned to normal. The Dragon Slayer said, "See you around, Blondie."

'He lied to me...'

"YOU TRAITOR!" I screamed suddenly. Natsu and Rogue flinched at the sound of my voice.

I plucked a hairpin from my hair and launched it straight at Sting. I wasn't aiming at anywhere particular, but it grazed his shin.

He twitched slightly and turned around. His eyes flickered from red to blue to red again. "YOU *****!!" He snarled as he raised his hand to strike me. But I didn't once flinch. Instead, I calmly held his gaze, hoping to find some remains of the Sting I once loved - but there was none. Then, he lowered his hand and walked away, limping.

Rogue's P.O.V.:

The whole thing ended too fast. I was hoping to give Sting a good beating before he left, but Lucy beat me to it. I heard deep breathes coming from my right.

"Lucy, are you okay?" I asked.

She nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine - just a little dizzy.

'Now that she mentioned it, I feel kind of lightheaded too.' Finally, it occurred to me that the quicksand was the source of our fatigue. 'STING.' Natsu noticed this too. He then immediately whistled through two fingers and Happy flew down from the treetops. He was carrying a rope made of vines and other objects found in the forest. For once during their entire journey, I felt relieved to have the cat around. Starting to regret my choice of leaving Fro to take care of Lector at Fairy Tail, I redirected my gaze elsewhere.

Once I was free of the trap, I helped Natsu get out. His eyes lit up as if he was surprised I would even bother helping him. But just because I was the shadows dragon slayer, doesn't mean I don't have a soul.

"Er - thanks," he mumbled.

"No problem."

Together, we reached out to Lucy.

Normal P.O.V:

As two dragon slayers grabbed a fuming blonde dragon queen out of the quick sand, they weren't aware of the trail of blood that Sting left. However, Lucy noticed it once she got over what ever the **** happened.

          "We have to follow that trail of blood."


Authors note:


Hiya minna!!!! Sorry for the late update but we were busy with school and didn't know what to do with this lol. Plus I'm sorry for the cliffhanger, but I guess you have to wait for the next chap to find out!!! Sorry I'm so evil!!! (・ω・)ノ <--- evil face...


Hi there, sorry again for the late update, um we're UBER busy these days and let's just say we were lost on the path of life for a while. But now we're back so everything's good. (⊙ω⊙)

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