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Normal P.O.V:

( I didn't know wat do use as a pic so RANDOM PIC FOR YALL FROM MY LIBRARY. Don't ask why I have things like that, I just do. Also I just put one of my fave songs by my fave band. Don't judge.(。-_-。))

As Rouge and Lucy walked down to the majestic dragon castle, the sky turned a sunset orange and a sunset pink (MY FAVE COLOR SUNSET PINK) as the sun descended down to let the moon and stars shine in the clear black sky. As Lucy hesitantly went to grab the knob of the door, Rouge lightly grabbed her hand and set it upon the golden gleaming handle, all the while leaving his hand perched on Lucy's hand.

Lucy's chocolate brown orbs looked up into Rouge's red eyes as a light pink blushed crept to her pale cheeks.

"W-what are you doing?" Lucy asked slightly stuttering as she slowly re-gained her composure.

"Well I'm just simply giving you an, hmm how should I put this...... an encouragement." Rouge said thoughtfully yet somewhat mischievous as he slightly forced him self to smirk.

"You know Rouge, you don't have to force your self to smirk just for me." Lucy sighed as she gave her usual cheeky smile.

"You know what, your such a hypocrite. It's obvious that you are forcing yourself to smile. Especially after what happen, after all you did almost try to commit suicide." Rouge said cockily as he knew he had won.

"I'm sorry it's just that, I-i ...... it's just that after what he did I was just so- so frustrated.

I don't even know how I can even face him right now. It hurts Rouge!" Lucy yelled as bitter tears fell from her now blurry chocolate brown orbs.

"Listen Lucy, I know how you feel,*cough* I think *cough*, but you just have to stand up tall and confront Sting." Rouge said hesitantly as he yet again wiped her tears.

" I know you don't really know how it feels. To be honest it feels as if he never loved me. It's as if I was just pawn in his game to get to Yukino." Lucy said bitterly.

Rouge couldn't take it any more. He tightly held Lucy's hand that was on the handle, a gently guided it to open the door. As Lucy understood what happened, she took a deep breath knowing that this was the chance to confront Sting and finally set her free.
Free if all the sorrows and heartbreaks.

Suddenly she realized that Sting was in the bathroom taking a shower. Lucy was relived about this. Once Rouge and her got to the bottom of the majestic staircase, she pulled him into a tight embrace as he turned to leave.

"Thank you Rouge. Thanks for letting me see what was in front of me the whole time." She whispered into his ear as he started to blush heavily as he felt her warm breath against his ear.

"N-no problem." Rouge said desperately trying his best to regain his emotionless composure.

Lucy was about to tease him about his bright red face but then they heard loud foots come to a stop at the top of the staircase. "Rouge, how could you hug my wife, especially in my household!!!!! I thought you were my best friend!!!!" An unknown person yelled obviously hurt.


Hi minna!!! YAS I'm done with another chapter. I'm starting to love cliffhangers lol srry. So any who I'm planning to try on updating daily, but it might be hard since school so ya. bye minna!!!

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