
691 31 24

Heyyyyy! How is everyone? 

Okay, so this Chapter had a few....surprises in it. ;) I've been waiting to write this one! I hope it's as awesome as it sounds in my head! 

Not much for me to say, but...


        *Mari POV*

        "I'm so bored." I groaned, laying back on the ground. Sokka rolled his eyes at me. We were stopped in a forest, letting Appa rest. 

        "So do something." Sokka said. 

"Like what?" He didn't get a chance to answer because we then heard Momo's distressed cry coming from somewhere in the forest. We followed the sound and found Momo high above the ground in a ball-shaped cage. He wasn't the only one either. Two monkey's were caught as well, whining in their tiny, spherical prisons. 

        Aang lept into the trees and slowly lowered Momo's cage to ground level, where Sokka and Katara opened it for him. He hopped out, munching on Lychee nuts. 

        "Of course." I sighed. 

"Alright, you too." Aang said and made his way over to the other cages. 

        "This is going to take forever." Sokka said, taking out his trusty boomerang and tossing it, easily cutting the other two down. Once free, they ran off.  "These are Fire Nation traps, you can tell from the metal work." Sokka said, inspecting one said trap. 

        "Well that's lovely." I muttered. 

"We need to pack up and get out of here." Packing our things didn't take very long. "Nah-uh, no flying this time." Sokka said, stopping us from loading our bags onto Appa. 

        "What? Why wouldn't we fly?" Aang asked. Oh man, I hope Sokka didn't want us to walk. This girl was not up for walking to the North Pole, nope. I walked nearly the entire way to the South Pole, I wasn't do that crap again. 

        "Think about it, somehow Prince Zuko and the Fire Nation keep finding us," Sokka explained. "It's because they spot Appa, he's just too noticeable." I had to admit, he had a point. 

        "What? Appa's not too noticeable." Katara defended. 

"He's a gigantic fluffy monster with an arrow on his head, it's kind of hard to miss." Sokka said. Appa roared. 

        "Sokka's just jealous cause he doesn't have an arrow." Aang assured him. 

"I know you all want to fly, but my instincts tell me we should just play it safe this time and walk." He said. I groaned and leaned against Appa's side. Walking....anything but walking. 

        "Who made you the boss?" Katara asked. 

"I'm not the boss, I'm the leader." Sokka said. His sister snorted. 

        "Your the leader? But your voice still cracks." She pointed out. He puffed his chest out. 

"I'm the oldest and I'm a warrior, so I'm the leader." He said, making his voice sound deeper. I couldn't help but laugh, pushing away from Appa to stand by Katara. 

        "Oh yeah, age and status when your the only male in your tribe so gives you the right to be leader." I mocked. He glared at me. 

        "If anyone's leader, it's Aang, I mean, he is the Avatar." Katara said. Now, that I had to disagree with. Sure Aang was the Avatar, but he was only a hundred and twelve years old, still a little kid. 

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