The Warriors of Kyoshi

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I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, only my own OC's. 

*Mari POV*

 I woke up, stretching to find the others already awake. 

        "You have no idea where we're going do you?" Sokka asked, looking at a map. I sat up almost fell out of the saddle. Sokka had no pants on! 

        "Well, I know it's near water." Aang said from Appa's head. 

"Hey! Where are your pants?!" I demanded. He motioned to Katara who was currently sewing up a pair of blue trousers. I huffed and moved away from him. "Warn a girl next time." 

        "Hey, you were the one that told me to climb that tree in the first place so it's your fault their ripped!" Sokka accused. I scoffed and turned away. The big idiot didn't have to listen to me, so it's his fault! I thought angrily. 

        "Stop bugging her Airhead, you need to give girl's space when they do their sewing." I heard Sokka said, causing both Katara and I to glare at him. 

        "What does me being a girl have to do with sewing?" Katara asked. 

"Simple, girls are better at fixing pants then guys and guys are better at hunting and fighting and stuff like that." Sokka said. I growled and pulled a knife from my boot. 

        "Wanna test that fighting theory?" I asked. He moved away from me in fear. Katara held his pants up. 

"All done with your pants, and look at what a great job I did." She chucked them at his face. 

        "Wait, I was just kidding, I can't wear these, Katara please!" He pleaded, sticking his arm through the gaping hole in his pants. Katara and I high-fived. 

        "Don't worry Sokka, where we're going, you won't need any pants." Aang spoke up. Sokka got on his knees, making a puppy dog face at his sister, begging her to finish sewing his trousers up. She looked to me and I shrugged. 

        "Alright." She said and took them from her, finishing what she started. I watched the ocean zip under us as we flew until we came to a landing on an island. 

        "We just made a pitstop yesterday, let's keep flying." Sokka said, finaly fully dressed. 

"He's right, at this rate, we won't reach the North Pole until Spring." Katara said. 

        "But Appa's tired already." Aang said. Appa sure didn't look tired to me. "Aren't you boy?" Still didn't look tired, at all. If it was possible, Appa looked bored. "I said, Aren't you boy?" Appa grunted loudly. 

        "Yeah, that was real convincing, still hard to argue with a ten ton magical monster." Sokka said. I sat down in the sand, kicking my shoes off and digging my toes in the soft grains. Looked like we were going to be here a while. Aang ran toward the water, pointing. 

        "Look!" A giant fish jumped out of the water and I mean giant! Bigger then Appa! "That's why we're here, Elephant Koi and I'm going to ride them." Aang began tugging his clothes off, leaving on only his underwear. 

        "Man, can't these boys keep their clothes on?" I grumbled. Momo hopped into my lap. 

"Katara, you gotta watch me!" With that, Aang jumped into the water. "COLD!" He shouted. My face lit up when I saw him on the back of one of the fish, waving at us. 

        "Yeah! Go Aang!" I shouted from my spot on the ground. 

       "Whoo!" Katara said. Two more Elephant Koi joined in behind him, jumping in and out of the water. Katara looked back at me, or rather Appa, who was trying to eat pieces of an old boat. "No Appa, don't eat that!" She shouted. I hopped up and ran to help her. I tried to pry Appa's mouth open while Katara pulled on the wood. 

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