The Fortuneteller

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Heyo people

Okay, so I know that last chapter took me forever and it probably sucked, had to be written. 

Okay, so you guys have no idea how much your comments mean to me, I mean I literally take pictures of them for inspiration so thank you very much! I love you all! 

Hopefully this next one will me much better, I have hope. Anyway, love you guys and enjoy. :)

*Mari POV*

"I win!" I shouted, placing my final tile down. Sokka groaned and smacked his forehead with his hand. I laughed and scooped up his pile. 

"Cheater." He mumbled under his breath, looking away with a pouting expression. 

"Excuse me? What was that?" I questioned, leaning closer. His mouth gaped open, looking for something to say when he was saved by Katara. She suddenly stood, pointing out toward the river we were camped beside. 

"Look!" She said, just as a huge green fish jumped out, twisting in the air before splashing back down like some sort of interpretative dance. Sokka sprang to his feet, hands balled into fists. 

The fish jumped again and I could swear he looked right into Sokka's eyes with a smug expression and then disappeared back into the water. 

"Oh he is taunting us." Sokka said. 

"No, just you." I muttered, cleaning up our forgotten game and packing it away. 

"You are so gonna be dinner!" Sokka shouted, grabbing his  fishing rod from it's place by the tent and swinging it at the water's edge. It was then we noticed the line was missing. "Hey, where's the fishing line?" He asked, confused and inspecting the rod as if the line would suddenly appear out of thin air. 

He looked back at me with narrowed eyes. 

"You jerk!" I snapped, crossing my arms. "What would I need with your fishing line?" I asked. He shrugged. 

"I dunno, you tell me?" He said mockingly. "If you don't have it, who does?" 

"Oh, I didn't think you would need it Sokka." Aang said, holding up a braided necklace with a peach blossom on it. My eyebrows rose. The kid had talent. Sokka came closer to inspect his fishing-line-turned-necklace. 

"AW! It's all tangled up!" He whined. Aang gracefully airbended himself into a standing position. 

"Not tangled, woven," He turned to Katara. "I made you a necklace Katara. I thought since you lost your other one..." He held up is handiwork with a shy smile. He reminded me of a younger kid, showing his parents his finger paint. 

Katara smiled and and gingerly took the necklace from him. 

"Thanks Aang, I love it." She said, tying it around her neck. Sokka rolled his eyes, wading into the water. 

"Great Aang, maybe instead of saving the world you can go into the jewelry making business." He said dryly. 

"I don't see why I can't do both." Aang said. Sarcasm had no effect on this kid. Katara moved closer to me, indicating for me to help her to secure her new fashion statement. 

"Oh Sokka, just because you don't have any special talents outside of whining doesn't mean you should shoot down Aang's dreams of providing the world with fabulous jewelry." I commented, giving him a teasing sideways look. His glare darkened and I stuck my tongue out at him. 

There was a splash as the fish made another appearance and Sokka threw his line-less fishing rod like a spear. It was clear he missed his mark when the fish mockingly flipped over the sinking piece of wood. 

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