The Waterbending Master

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Hello my dears! 

Short intro this chapter, I'm hoping to finish this book before I ship off and start the next when I get to Tech School. 

Hoping I won't take another YEAR to update lol. Don't hate me! 

Anyway, enjoy this chapter! 

*Mari POV*

I shivered, pulling the fur blanket I had stolen from Sokka tighter around my body. We were flying at a pretty fast speed over the icy waters of the North Pole. I could have done without the cold. 

Sokka lounged on the hump at the back of the saddle. He seemed completely bored out of his mind, which I couldn't understand since there was so much to do up here. Flying was, of course absolutely amazing, but flying over nothing but water for more than a day started to wear on the nerves. We had to be nearly there right? 

"I'm not one to complain, but can't Appa fly any higher?" Sokka asked, breaking the silence. I gave him a funny look.  I was pretty sure Sokka was the king of complaints. 

"I have an idea, why don't we all get on your back and you can fly us to the North Pole." Aang snapped, showing a level of hostility I didn't think was possible for him. Katara and I sat up, ready to break the fight up. 

"I'd love to." Sokka said, sitting on his knees. "Climb on everyone, Sokka's ready for take off." He said, jabbing his thumb at his own back and wiggling his bottom. Momo took the invitation and seated himself comfortably in first class. Sokka glared back at the little creature who couldn't be bothered. 

"Look, we're all just a little tired and cranky because we've been flying for two days straight." Katara reasoned. 

"And for what?" Sokka asked, now sitting cross-legged with Momo in his lap. "We can't even find the Northern Water Tribe, there's nothing up here." He said. 

"Can't either of you just...I dunno, send some kind of Water Tribe signal out to them? Tribe to Tribe communication?" I asked, leaning back on the saddle brim adjusting myself as comfortably as I could without hurting my still fractured ribs. 

"Oh sure, let me just send some smoke signals." Sokka said. I stuck my tongue out at him which he promptly returned. Before I would think of something witty to reply with, a huge wave roared up and froze in front of us, causing Appa to veer sharply. Sokka, Katara and I were left to hang on for dear life or risk being lost in the ocean as Aang avoided giant ice shard after giant ice shard. Suddenly, Appa's foot was caught and we were sent spinning into the cold waters. It was a miracle we all managed to stay on the saddle. I sucked in a sharp breath, holding my side painfully. Katara gave me look of concern which I waved off.  

Ice formed around Appa, keeping him and us in place. I scrambled for my bow just as several long boats appeared. Each one carried up to ten people, all dressed in blue Water Tribe clothes. 

"They're Waterbenders!" Katara pointed out. "We found the Water Tribe!"

"More like they found us." I commented, lowering my weapon. I waved awkwardly at the people as they came closer in their boats. The ice melted away, freeing Appa. 

"Follow us, we'll lead you to the village." One man called up. They surrounded us, one on each side as Appa began swimming, following the lead boat. It didn't take long before huge cliffs came into view. 

"There it is!" Aang shouted, jumping to his feet. It was a huge ice fortress with crystal towers and a large Water Tribe symbol carved into the sheer, white cliffs. It made the harsh, cold landscape look like a glistening diamond carved by the spirits themselves. I was positive if we had kept flying, we'd have smacked right into it. 

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