The King of Omashu

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I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, only my own OC's

*Mari POV*

         We landed in the Earth Kingdom, the winter snow just beginning to melt. 

        "Aang, are you going to tell us where we're going?" I asked, walking beside Katara. Sokka groaned, annoyed with me. You could say I'd been asking that question a lot today. Sokka was ready to throttle me. 

        "The Earth Kingdom city of Omashu!" Aang said, standing on a hill and spreading his arms wide. Happy to finally have reached our designation, I ran up to see the amazing city of Omashu. 

        "Wow." I whispered, taking in the site of the city. 

"I used to always come here to visit my friend Bumi." Aang said. 

        "Wow, we don't have cities like this in the South Pole." Katara said. 

        "They have buildings here that don't melt." Sokka chimed in, causing me to laugh a little.Guess I understood, but it was still funny.  So we decided that Aang couldn't go into the city without a disguise, just in case. 

        "What am I supposed to do? Grow a mustache?" He asked. I snapped my fingers. 

"Yes!" I said, running down the hill he had jumped off of and grabbing his hand. I pulled him up to Appa and grabbed some of the Bison's white fur. "Now, hold still......perfect!" I exclaimed, moving aside to show Katara and Sokka the disguise I had come up with. Aang now sported a white mustache and wig. 

        "Ugh, this is so itchy!" Aang complained. "How do you live in this stuff?" He asked Appa. 

"Good job thinking of that Mari." Katara said. 


        "Great, now you look just like my grandfather." Sokka said, sitting on a rock. 

"Technically, Aang is a hundred and twelve years old." Katara said. Aang picked up his staff, twirling it before using it like a walking stick, hunching his back to look like an old man. 

        "Now, let's get to skipping young wipper-snappers!" He said. My eyebrow rose and I leaned over to Katara.         

        "Wipper-snappers?" I asked. She shrugged and we followed Grandpa-Aang down to Omashu. We walked along a narrow path made of Earth and I silently hoped that it didn't give way like at the Air Temple. 

        "You guys are going to love Omashu, the people here are the friendliest in the world." Aang said as we neared the gates. 

        "Rotten cabbages? What kind of slum do you think this is?" A voice, belonging to an Earth Kingdom guard, shouted. We stopped, watching as he smashed a head of cabbage and used his earthbending to send the kart over the edge of the walkway. 

        "Oh my cabbages!" The merchant cried. 

"Friendliest huh?" I whispered. 

        "Just keep smiling." Aang said. Katara laughed nervously as we walked up to the guards. The mean one who had kicked the cabbage man out, earthbended a huge rock out of the ground, holding it over Grandpa-Aang's head. 

        "State your business!" He ordered. Grandpa-Aang scurried forward, pointing a finger in the man's face. 

        "My business is my business young man and none of yours! I've got half a mind to bend your over my knee and paddle your backside!" Grandpa-Aang said. The rock dropped to the ground with the guards surprise causing Sokka, Katara and I to jump. 

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