The Boy in the Iceberg / The Avatar Returns

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     I sadly do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, I only own my own OC's. 

  *Mari POV* 


        I pulled my cloak tighter around my body as I trekked through the snow. I had made it to the South Pole. My journey had been pretty tough; hitch-hiking, stowing away on Earth Kingdom ships, and walking, lots of walking. 

        Why was I in the South Pole? Not entirely sure. So far, I'd come across absolutely nobody. Unless penguin-seals counted. It was getting colder and I was getting more tired, my limbs screaming at me to stop moving. 

        Then, I saw a boat with two people on it. They had to be from the Water Tribe. Maybe they could help me. I picked up my pace, about to call out when one of them stood and began shouting, bending the water behind her and causing an ice burg to break, giant pieces falling into the water. 

        "Crap!" I said, when a huge wave came my way. I tried running but fatigue weighed my body down and the water knocked me over, freezing liquid filling my lungs. I pulled myself out  and on to higher ground, gasping and coughing. I rolled to my feet only to fall again, shaking hard. Suddenly, a blinding blue light caused me to cover my eyes. When the light died, I reopened them to see a boy. 

        My eyes widened when I saw the arrow tattoo on his head. 

        "An Airbender!" I whispered, forcing myself to stand and move forward. Luckily, all the training I'd gone through helped me to be able to over come my pain. I stopped when a huge animal appeared. "Whoa." What the heck was it? It had an arrow on it's head, six legs and horns. The three people hopped on it, ready to leave. 

        "Hey! Wait!" I shouted, but it came out like a whisper. The water had damaged my voice; I was going to be stuck out here! I waved frantically, hoping to catch their attentions. Luck must have been with me, because the Airbender saw me and hopped off his beast. He jumped over to me. 

        "Hey, are you okay?" He asked. I nodded. 

"Can you help me?" I asked, my voice scratchy. 

        "Yeah, come on." He said, motioning for me to follow. I took one step and fell. "Great." I muttered. The boy helped me up, picking me up bridal-style. My eyes widened as he jumped back to the others. Man, this kid was strong! He set me down in the saddle next to the Water Tribe people. 

        "Hey, who's this?" The girl asked. 

"I don't know, she was over there." The Airbender said, hopping to sit on the animal's head. 

        "Hello, my name's Katara and this is Sokka, what's your name?" She asked. 

"M-Mari." I said, my teeth chattering. We began moving, the giant animal flopping into the water and swimming. I curled in on myself, attempting to keep warm. It was hardly working. If only I was a fire bender, then the cold wouldn't be much of a problem. Finally, we reached the Water Tribe village and the girl helped me down. 

        "Wow, your freezing!" She said. My amber eyes rolled at her obviousness. She walked me over to a large fire in the center of the village. "Wait here." She didn't have to tell me twice. I put my hands near the flames, sighing as they warmed up.  Katara later came back with a thick blanket, draping it over my shoulders. 

        "Thanks." I muttered, keeping my eyes on the flames in front of me. They reminded me of that night, of the flames that had consumed my house. 

"I'll be right back." She said, running off again. I looked around, wondering where the Airbender had gone. "Sneaking up on people isn't nice." I said, turning to face a shocked Sokka. 

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